EB Mafia

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Same here, Carlos. 
Interestingly (worringly), Italy's daily new case # is still rising, even with the quarantine/lockdown measures they've put in place. South Korea and China have both managed to get a handle on things, with a mix of draconian quarantine, and highly organized/well deployed testing programs... Neither of which I see coming to US too soon, fortunately/unfortunately. Also very interesting how it's being (probably successfully) turned into a propaganda/political system point scoring/soft power development opportunity for China. 

 View attachment 16867
Well keep in mind that it takes 2 weeks for a person who got infected to start showing symptoms, plus the time that it takes to get a test done and get the results back. So you can't see the effect of any countermeasures (quarantines, etc) for 2 to 3 weeks.

Mafia is too good this round. That leads me to think @RBHeadge PE is mafia. 
