EB Mafia

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Final Vote

@chart94 - MP

@MadamPirate PE - Me2, Chart

MadamPirate tried to plead for her life but when she realizes the futility of the whole thing she starts to maniacally laugh. She confesses that she orchestrated the whole thing. Once mafia, always mafia. 

Town Victory!!!!! All mafia have been put to death.

MadamPirate tried to plead for her life but when she realizes the futility of the whole thing she starts to maniacally laugh. She confesses that she orchestrated the whole thing. Once mafia, always mafia. 
I wasn't sure who to save on the first night, @MadamPirate PE or @ChebyshevII PE.


I was kicking myself last night.  My class started at 9pm EST and I didn't log on until later.  If I would have seen the update, I would have switched my vote from @jean15paul_PE to @MadamPirate PE to help save myself (I didn't know she was mafia or not), but I didn't want to lament about it publicly since I figured that would draw suspicion, so I just voted for her today.

Good round!

I saw @ChebyshevII PE active on PM the first day but it was around the time that the cop does his thing, so I wasn't sure if he was the cop or mafia.  I didn't see @MadamPirate PE active on PM that day, and I kinda owed her one for voting her out without evidence previously so I picked her the first night. If i had seen before I went to bed that @ChebyshevII PE voted for a mafiosa on the first night then I would have chosen to protect him instead.

I still didn't know who was the last mafia member this morning. It was the response to my morning game analysis that tipped me off to @MadamPirate PE.

For reference, the remaining players are:


@MadamPirate PE



I'll point out that @chart94 hasn't logged on in 22 hrs, and @NikR_PE cast the tiebreaking vote against a mafiosa on day 1. Neither of these things inherently disqualify them from being mafia but...

it kinda feels like we're nearing the end.
Since I'm pretty sure I'm going to have a crazy day at work today, I'ma vote early:

View attachment 16519

@SaltySteve I vote for @chart94
I figured it was going to be some version of people picking either @MEtoEE and @MadamPirate PE

But when she went rando instead, I figured she either wasn't paying attention or was mafia.

I saw @ChebyshevII PE active on PM the first day but it was around the time that the cop does his thing, so I wasn't sure if he was the cop or mafia.  I didn't see @MadamPirate PE active on PM that day, and I kinda owed her one for voting her out without evidence previously so I picked her the first night. If i had seen before I went to bed that @ChebyshevII PE voted for a mafiosa on the first night then I would have chosen to protect him instead.

I still didn't know who was the last mafia member this morning. It was the response to my morning game analysis that tipped me off to @MadamPirate PE.

I figured it was going to be some version of people picking either @MEtoEE and @MadamPirate PE

But when she went rando instead, I figured she either wasn't paying attention or was mafia.
There's always a good chance that I'm not paying attention when I'm busy at work. ;)

That really was a weird first night. Cop investigates maf. Gets enough votes to kill maf. Maf retaliates and kills cop. 
Something seemed odd about Cheb's behaviour this round, so I was trying to get madam engaged in some conversation about him. I got killed, she didn't have much time to decide things due to being busy and just went with it. It was pure happenstance, I think.
