EB Mafia

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If someone will hold my hand and help me a bit, I can do it
I can do hand holding, if you'd like, or I'm sure fish guy can step in if necessary.  I can send you info if you'd like?
Let me know if I need to send anything.

But I'm not sure that we'll have enough for this week? Even the people that are "in" are pretty busy with RL stuff this week. We may have to try again next week.

Let me know if I need to send anything.

But I'm not sure that we'll have enough for this week? Even the people that are "in" are pretty busy with RL stuff this week. We may have to try again next week.
i won't be able to mod next week - i have a day trip to toledo 🤦‍♀️


I wouldn't be opposed.   I had a job interview this morning.  Unexpected as I wasn't looking, but someone urged me to give this guy a call and it went pretty well.  

I'm in for Mafia either way!

Congrats on the successful interview.
Thanks.  They told me they would get back to me in a couple of days so we'll see if it was successful or not  😁.  I wasn't actively LOOKING, but this place seems like a good fit.  

The guy who would be my supervisor seems like a good guy.  He's the lead electrical designer for the office and he's taking his PE in April too.  We both took it the same time, same place this past October.   

I saw one person have their offer rescinded because they negotiated like an a-hole.

Always best to cite job market data and articulate how you will add value to the company.

And remember you can negotiate other things besides salary. Like bonuses (signing bonus or ongoing bonuses), vacation (initial vacation bonus or increased accumulation rate), additional reviews for raises more often (e.g. 2 reviews a year instead of one), sometimes improved benefits packages (like if managers have better benefits than employees you could ask for the better package, but this one is hard. increasingly everyone has the same benefits), ability to working from home, etc. Make sure anything you negotiate gets added (in writing) to the offer letter.

I got screwed with that once. I negotiated an initial vacation bonus, so I would be starting with vacation already in the bank. I didn't get it in writing. The HR lady who hired me left the company shortly after I started, and apparently there was no record of it. 🤬

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I saw one person have their offer rescinded because they negotiated like an a-hole.

Always best to cite job market data and articulate how you will add value to the company.

And remember you can negotiate other things besides salary. Like bonuses (signing bonus or ongoing bonuses), vacation (initial vacation bonus or increased accumulation rate), additional reviews for raises more often (e.g. 2 reviews a year instead of one), sometimes improved benefits packages (like if managers have better benefits than employees you could ask for the better package, but this one is hard. increasingly everyone has the same benefits), ability to working from home, etc. Make sure anything you negotiate gets added (in writing) to the offer letter.

I got screwed with that once. I negotiated an initial vacation bonus, so I would be starting with vacation already in the bank. I didn't get it in writing. The HR lady who hired me left the company shortly after I started, and apparently there was no record of it. 🤬
I’m liking the advice, not your incident.
