EB Mafia

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@JayKay PE  (whispers:  go the gym, go to the gym, go to the gym)

I'm ordering a pizza and bringing it home.  Wife wants a break from cooking.  Going to play with my son and probably watch his favorite recorded event, "Monster Jam".

Then it's watching a recap video on ladder logic and a 10-question practice exam on Week 2 of my class.

I wish I could still vote.  Go townies!

@blybrook PE I apologize in advance if you're a townie.  If not, good riddance! lol

After the previous 2 rounds that I participated in actually being a mafioso, it's been nice being a townie again, even if short lived. Good luck to the remaining townies on clearing the mafia and Serial killer from the ranks.

I am no longer looking at Indiana weather forecasts since they seem way more dramatic than NY, and I went to the gym!!! Did lots of suicides!! I am horrible at cardio, so this was a good little reminder of that failure and a way of forcing myself to be better. Debating on if I want to go on Friday, since we didn’t do strength training so I’ll prob not be sore, but I also have the kickboxing class on Saturday and I don’t want to kill myself.  

Best part is that I came home to delicious 12-hour crockpot eye round stew!!!


Thursday afternoon striking over here now...
Also I have too many hobbies, and need a time-turner. 
Start making a crazy schedule/plan everything out like me, down to the hour. Monday - gym/meal prep. Tuesday - volunteer/grocery shopping. Wednesday - gym/tidy apartment. Thursday - laundry (maybe gym/maybe horseback riding once I get my gear). Friday - social/meetup group stuff. Saturday - sleep late! Kickboxing!! Maybe grocery? Deep clean apartment! Sunday - sleep late (again? So lux!!!) Bake something new! Nap a bunch! Be lazy! Read books!

Monday - start all over again!

I just got home. Not that I could have done anything substantial lol
