EB Mafia

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They're here! Invasive, herpes-carrying monkeys reach the First Coast 


I mean, at some point the players need to start keeping track for themselves. I think that's part of the game.
Agree. If anyone forgets/misses information "it's their own damn fault", that's the game. 😬

Here's my stretchy girl this morning

@Roarbark this is what I was describing the other day

how does the Ranger school torture test work?
I don't know tbh.  I did know one person who passed and was part of the Ranger Battallion but of all the gruesome details of the school he never mentioned a specific "torture test", I just assumed there would be something like that in the course.

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Go ahead and kill of a townie. I'm NOT the SK or mafia. I chose lycee at random yesterday just before the deadline.

Since I'm likely going to die by the hands of the town

@Chattaneer PE I hereby cast my vote for @blybrook PE just to get it over with and let folks know that I was actually a townie this round.
Lol this is so suspicious but ok. Also trippppleee post
