EB Mafia

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Then why would @LyceeFruit PE lie about being investigated?  
So we don't vote her off.  The cop really isn't supposed to participate after getting killed off, so unfortunately don't really have a way of confirming with cheby.  Just seems suspicious that now she's like, "oh yeah I was investigated yesterday."

So we don't vote her off.  The cop really isn't supposed to participate after getting killed off, so unfortunately don't really have a way of confirming with cheby.  Just seems suspicious that now she's like, "oh yeah I was investigated yesterday."

stretchy???? Proof please.
Doofy is a good word 👍
Older pic since all of our snow is gone lol. And she's gained weight - 36lbs now! 

But she stretches long with half her body out of her crate in the morning when we wake her up. tkaes a few steps, fuullllll body stretch again, few more steps, stretch, waggles about to the door, then stretches again right in front of the door or half way thru the door once you open it. Basically in down dog or dolphin pose often. and sometimes (like most of the time) she lays her belly completely on the ground while she's stretching and looks up with such a doofy  look on her face. It's really cute 


Then why would @LyceeFruit PE lie about being investigated?  

So we don't vote her off.  The cop really isn't supposed to participate after getting killed off, so unfortunately don't really have a way of confirming with cheby.  Just seems suspicious that now she's like, "oh yeah I was investigated yesterday."
