EB Mafia

Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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I usually only last a day or two, so even though I have a super busy week I should have time...unless I'm the cop again, which means I'll need an extra day to snuff all you mafia members out, but that's only if I get SuperDoc, aka @chart94 again.

Oh nevermind.  If @JayKay PE is playing I will only last a couple of hours. 😝

You're moving again? I thought you liked your place?

Y'all, I'm pretty stoked for this upcoming round.

There are going to be a few additional roles, so please read the instructions closely and if you have any questions feel free to ask!

With 12 players, 7 of you are going to have a non-vanilla role. There are going to be more moving parts than usual, but you're all engineers so I know you can handle it! 
