EB Mafia

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Y'all, I'm pretty stoked for this upcoming round.

There are going to be a few additional roles, so please read the instructions closely and if you have any questions feel free to ask!

With 12 players, 7 of you are going to have a non-vanilla role. There are going to be more moving parts than usual, but you're all engineers so I know you can handle it! 


Y'all, I'm pretty stoked for this upcoming round.

There are going to be a few additional roles, so please read the instructions closely and if you have any questions feel free to ask!

With 12 players, 7 of you are going to have a non-vanilla role. There are going to be more moving parts than usual, but you're all engineers so I know you can handle it! 
I will probably still be a regular townie.

i'll prob be a reg townie too. i've not been anything special except maf once and i hated it pls dont do it to me ever again thanks byeeeeeeeeeeeeee


I was hoping @Audi driver, P.E. would get the role as Town Escort; he knows all the dirt, but can only reveal it if investigated by the cop.

I just made that up, don't make that a role. :p
but then does the escort have a pimp that they are only ever allowed to vote for their pimp to be ded so they can be free
