EB Mafia

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One of the rounds I modded in my story i had the town perform death by woodchipper. It has grown since then lol
Ive died by woodchipper 3 times! @JayKay PE got into a dating game and @MadamPirate PE got into a knitting competition. But I was spared the chipper when @RBHeadge PE mod'd a NIECES theme game

@MEtoEE took a bad tumble down the stairs last night. FORTUNATELY a doctor was  nearby to patch him up while he drank the ale he managed to save during the fall.

@Audi driver, P.E. wasn't so lucky. He spilled  his beer and broke his crown. Which makes me sad cause now all those future round votes I logged mean nothing.

Wait... So me and Audi Driver were the first to die? And we didn't even kill each other??


so that means vigilante killed audi? bc maf tried to kill metoee again??
