EB Mafia

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@JayKay PE you mafia?

@tj_PE you mafia?

*creates a spreadsheet for all rounds, creates a spreadsheet for bills, creates a spreadsheet to compare grocery prices, compares a spreadsheet for everything*

My wife makes fun of my for making spreadsheets for everything. (She's the opposite of an engineer.)

But if there's something that needs a spreadsheet she knows that she should send it to me. 😂

She also gave me a hard time for making an outline for having the sex-talk with our son. #nerd

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My wife makes fun of my for making spreadsheets for everything. (She's the opposite of an engineer.)

But if there's something that needs a spreadsheet she knows that she should send it to me. 😂

He also gave me a hard time for making an outline for having the sex-talk with our son. #nerd
My wife used to make fun of me for making spreadsheets for everything, until she learned how to use Excel in grad school. Now she does it too!

*creates a spreadsheet for all rounds, creates a spreadsheet for bills, creates a spreadsheet to compare grocery prices, compares a spreadsheet for everything*

can you also help me organize and catalog all of my gifs? 

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I used to teach an intro to engineering class and it's amazing the number of kids coming out of high school that have never opened excel. What the hell are they teaching kids in high school that's more important than excel?

I used to teach an intro to engineering class and it's amazing the number of kids coming out of high school that have never opened excel. What the hell are they teaching kids in high school that's more important than excel?
Remedial math, most likely.
