EB Mafia

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Didn't they do something like this in "Fringe?"
Also happened in Haven. 

@SaltySteve my first round vote goes to @Roarbark for being confused.

@SaltySteve my second round vote goes to @tj_PE for being mafia and suggesting I play this game.

@SaltySteve my third round vote goes to @ChebyshevII PE for liking the fact I said I would play (he's prob mafia too. Seems suspish).

Further votes will be cast at a future to be determined date.

Alright that's your Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night votes. They're now all officially dead.

They were all townies. 
I counted your votes!!!!

I will be voting for you.
I hope one of two things happen:

  1. At end of the game you vote me off, and since I'm a townie voting me off costs us the game.
  2. You vote for me, but you get lynched anyways and it's revealed you're mafia.