EB Mafia

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That afternoon, the studio audience is let into the building as the group assembles backstage. Each of you are handed a new knitting bag with some heft to it. “These are your challenge bags, you’ll be working what’s in the bags into your designs today. I wanted to hand them out before you got onstage, so you have them with you to pick materials to match.” @tj_PE smiled at the group, bouncing on the balls of her feet, before gesturing the group onto the stage. She follows of all you, welcoming the studio audience as you all sit. “Welcome everyone, and I cannot wait to see how you guys like today’s challenge. In your knitting bags are some embellishments we want you to work into your designs. Today’s design challenge is  going to be shawls, so feel free to look in your bags! Y’all are welcome to trade if you’d like.” 

Inside each of the bags were gems mounted on a backing for easy use in knitting. Each bag held a different color, with no two contestants having the same color. @tj_PE pulled the cloth off the supply table, revealing bulky weight yarn in multiple colors and textures. “Have at it, y’all!” Each contestant got up and mobbed the table, knitting bags in their hands. As @LyceeFruit PE and @RBHeadge PE were examining yarn at the supply table, knitting bags got set down. @LyceeFruit PE made her selection, accidentally picking @RBHeadge PEs bag up and heading back to her chair. @RBHeadge PE looked down, realizing that his bag was stolen. “ @LyceeFruit PE, why did you steal my bag?” he accused, staring her down. “I didn’t!” @LyceeFruit PE protested, standing from her chair. “Yes you did, you cheater, give it back!” @RBHeadge PE swiped at her, and she vaulted over the back of the chair. @JayKay PE motioned to block her from retreating, but @LyceeFruit PE was nimble and able to get away. At this point, the rest of the group noticed the commotion and came over, while @RBHeadge PE continued to insist that @LyceeFruit PE had stolen his bag. @LyceeFruit PE blanched, and relying on her marathon training, turned tail and ran backstage. 

@LyceeFruit PE jumped and leaped around the folks working backstage, the rest of the contestants not far behind her. She barreled out the backdoor into the studio lot, heading toward the next lot over. @RBHeadge PE caught a glimpse of her disappearing around the corner of the building, and pointed the group that way. They charged after her, and she headed into the next lot, where they were filming one of those crime procedural shows. @LyceeFruit PE changed directions nimbly, trying to run away from her pursuers. @JayKay PE took a separate path, cutting @LyceeFruit PE off. @LyceeFruit PE had no choice but to pivot on her feet - NFL running backs would be proud of her. She pushed through the crowd that was on set with the crime show, trying to use them to survive the onslaught coming from the knitting competition contestants. One of the techs from that show tried to stop her as she whipped around a trailer, but she was too quick for his grasp. @LyceeFruit PE could hear the contestants getting close, and shoved her way through the actors. One of them turned, bumping her off balance. @LyceeFruit PE tripped and landed on a table, causing a frozen pig to hit the ground. Another tech, not realizing there was a person on that table, pressed the button on the winch to tilt the end of it up. @LyceeFruit PE looked up at what was happening, and shrieked before she headed face-first into a woodchipper. The knitting contestants shielded themselves from the bits of @LyceeFruit PE being flung out of the end of the woodchipper, then turned and headed back to their studio, bits of @LyceeFruit PE in their hair and on their clothes.

@LyceeFruit PE was a normal townsfolk.

The next morning, each of you is escorted back to the studio wordlessly. @tj_PE is there already, crying yet again, and throwing a temper tantrum to end all temper tantrums. “That is it, I am SO TIRED of people dying, I am never doing another show ever again! I like these people and they just keep DYING, and I was hoping to make some friends!” She breaks down into sobs that can be heard through the whole studio. You are all ushered to sit in the first row of the audience, as @tj_PE’s sobs slow. She steps out and sits on the stage, sniffling. “You guys, I found @Chattaneer PE this morning - he - he was hung with bulky yarn in his dressing room!” She devolves into tears again. “I don’t know how much more of this I can take, we are supposed to start the final competition soon…”

@Chattaneer PE was killed last night.
