EB Mafia

Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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Also, I R a regular examinee.

Oh man. Phase 3 all over again.
I forgot to mention in the round rules that the WTTS is pure Fan (vet) Service. I'm going to have lots of callbacks to classic suck activities. Consider this your trigger warning.

I'd post a screenshot of my inbox but don't want to set a shitty precedence. 
Yeah, that won't work out well for the long term viability of the game.

Can't tell if this is a pro level troll or you're for real.
I can't tell either.

So it looks like jk is the town drunk, but she could also be mafia/doctor/cop on top of that right?
The 'meme poster' is also one of the following: 'examinee', 'troll', 'lawyer', 'forum admin', 'vigilante'

There's nothing stopping her from faking being the town drunk.
Anyone can fake being the town drunk (or meme poster).

So @RBHeadge PE is mod.


That means we don't get any of that sweet RB vote analysis.
Nope, not this time.

Sorry, fellow MechE!
Wait, are you a ME or a CE? I'm having trouble keeping track of all your credentials now. ;)
