EB Mafia

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I'm off to work on my proposal. Will check back later to see the results!

I still know who I am and suspect all other "living" contestants.

I really never thought this could be so exciting... I've seriously been refreshing every night at 10:pm just to see the outcome of votes. This is a perfect ending.

I really never thought this could be so exciting... I've seriously been refreshing every night at 10:pm just to see the outcome of votes. This is a perfect ending.
Nobody ever think mafia is exciting when they first start out and then-BAM-like a knife between the ribs, you're breathless and waiting for the results!

wow, coin flips. I thought there were enough townies together to win.

I would love a thorough post game analysis of this one once we know all the roles. Willing/able to spend the time @RBHeadge PE? :D
There were, but the townies killed off the other townies instead 

@txjennah PE @blybrook PE May the coin flips be not in your favor!!!!!! Town 4 lyphe

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There were, but the townies killed off the other townies instead 

@txjennah PE @blybrook PE May the coin flips be not in your favor.
That's such a mean thing to say, I thought we were friends.


wow, coin flips. I thought there were enough townies together to win.

I would love a thorough post game analysis of this one once we know all the roles. Willing/able to spend the time @RBHeadge PE? :D
Here's the short version:

The ratio of townie to mafia favored the cop finding townies. And that's pretty much what happened. Cheb was discovered early and voted out immediately. The townie path to success, given this probabilistic reality,  was to amass enough known/trusted townies. We never got there. Two days ago was the critical investigation and vote. If we had found the last townie (you) then we would have locked up the game. But the random selection favored finding a mafia and that's what happened.

Now we're in a scenario where we had to vote out a mafia last night to have a chance at a clean win. There was some overthinking and mistakes were made and you got voted out. Now we're in tie breakers with a mere 25% to win.

Kill!!! Kill!!!! Kill!!! Kill!!!! Kill!!! Kill!!!! Kill!!! Kill!!!! Kill!!! Kill!!!! Kill!!! Kill!!!! 

Go Mafia, Go!!!!!
