EB Mafia

Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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@JayKay PE


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.  Okay guys, I'm going to start flipping coins.  Not sure if I will be able to have it posted soon, since I want to get back into the writing and I have, you know, work, but I def will have it posted earlier than usual tonight.  @txjennah PE, when is your movie?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.  Okay guys, I'm going to start flipping coins.  Not sure if I will be able to have it posted soon, since I want to get back into the writing and I have, you know, work, but I def will have it posted earlier than usual tonight.  @txjennah PE, when is your movie?
We'll be watching to see how this turns out! Great job modding @JayKay PE

Regardless of the upcoming results, great round everyone!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.  Okay guys, I'm going to start flipping coins.  Not sure if I will be able to have it posted soon, since I want to get back into the writing and I have, you know, work, but I def will have it posted earlier than usual tonight.  @txjennah PE, when is your movie?
8 pm! Do what you gotta do! I'm working on and off from home today, in case you can't tell :p
