EB Mafia

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Hey!!!! I'm off the site for 16 hours or so and I come back dead! :(  I was innocent. I thought my actions demonstrated that. (I'm pretty sure I started the votes for 2 mafia.) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Oh well, I know it's not personal. At least @JayKay PE captured my affable nature in the write up.

But also...


what is this vertical you speak of? @vhab49_PE @tj_PE
In civil you take the PE exam to become a Civil Professional Engineer.
After complete your PE, you can take a vertical exam and a lateral exam to become a Structural Engineer.

Structural Engineers make so much money that they have to design an addition to their homes to store it all. Like modern day Scrooge McDucks.

Did I get that right Civils?

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In civil you take the PE exam to become a Civil Professional Engineer.
After complete your PE, you can take a vertical exam and a lateral exam to become a Structural Engineer.

Structural Engineers make so much money that they have to design an addition to their homes to store it all. Like modern day Scrooge McDucks.

Did I get that right Civils?

giphy (1).gif

In civil you take the PE exam to become a Civil Professional Engineer.
After complete your PE, you can take a vertical exam and a lateral exam to become a Structural Engineer.

Structural Engineers make so much money that they have to design an addition to their homes to store it all. Like modern day Scrooge McDucks.

Did I get that right Civils?
Here you go...



Bringing Boondock Saints into it now?

Need to finish reviewing the previous accusations. Although the caramel corn for breakfast was pretty good tasting (not helpful for trying to get back into exercise and loosing weight though). 

Bringing Boondock Saints into it now?

Need to finish reviewing the previous accusations. Although the caramel corn for breakfast was pretty good tasting (not helpful for trying to get back into exercise and loosing weight though). 
We could be weight-loss buddies!  I mean, you are a full grown Alaskan brown bear, so you can prob lose weight slightly easier by increasing you fish to popcorn ratio.

@MadamPirate is super clean. She didn't vote for @ChebyshevII PE because I asked her not too. I was holding both @tj_PE and @MadamPirate in reserve that evening. 
How do those of us not in the PM thread have proof of that? Seems like nearly everyone that could confirm it were off'd by the mafioso; the same mafiosos that we need to clean outta the competition. I don't have an Ouija board.

I am slain! Mistakes were made, and shouldn't have doubted my first gut. 

Looks pretty clear to me what's going on here. Two sides, one of which is support d by several recently dead townies (including me). Which to choose??

We could be weight-loss buddies!  I mean, you are a full grown Alaskan brown bear, so you can prob lose weight slightly easier by increasing you fish to popcorn ratio.
I should be hibernating right now; IF I was doing that, the weight would be gone when I wake up in the spring. To bad that doesn't happen for the working class!

EDIT - The salmon intake is going to increase as soon as I get the turkey's out of the freezer tomorrow. Donating them to the local food bank for their community Christmas dinner.

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I should be hibernating right now; IF I was doing that, the weight would be gone when I wake up in the spring. To bad that doesn't happen for the working class!

EDIT - The salmon intake is going to increase as soon as I get the turkey's out of the freezer tomorrow. Donating them to the local food bank for their community Christmas dinner.
Working class bears never get to hibernate while those bourgeoisie bears flounce about and hibernate!

It would be a perfect cover for a Mafia member to be like, SURE, LET ME NOT JOIN IN ON THIS VOTE TO SAVE MY TEAMMATE/GET THE TOWNIES TO TRUST ME.

But okay.  



No bby!Zac Effron in EB threads!  Forbidden pic posting!
