EB Mafia

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With the numbers continuing to dwindle, and barely a single episode completed, the director decided to start being serious about the filming and production value of the show.  Every contestant, even the bear, were dressed in resplendent gowns of various jewel tones with various accessories to increase their...appeal. The camera was angled in such a manner so only the back of @Will.I.Am PE’s head was seen, so their mixed expression of regret, horror, and morbid curiosity wouldn’t be broadcast to the world.

Couldn’t have the lead lover in a show not actually interested in any of the eye candy.

Of all the contestants, @jean15paul_PE seemed the least confrontational with them being actually human (a plus) and having amazing looking ankles (surprisingly, another plus in this type of show).  They smiled when the camera panned their way, made sure they looked upset when a contestant was voted off, and never even implied that something was amiss. Except for that last foul up, where they questioned @Spickett, they seemed to be in the clear to being one of the top two contenders.

And thus it was the exact reason they were suspect.

They smiled too much.  They looked just the right amount of upset when someone was killed off gruesomely, but never seemed surprised.  And their most recent implication only seemed to hold water because @RBHeadge PE was backing them up, which appeared to be linked with that exact person being murdered while filling up their water bottle.

Everyone was very suspicious of the seemingly untouchable contestant.

When it was highlighted that @jean15paul_PE could also dance a two step, one of the only contests who could besides the recently deceased @tj_PE (whose dancing school was very concerned about continuing classes during the Autumn season), they could take it no more.

“We know what you’ve been doing,” @txjennah PE hissed when @jean15paul_PE returned from a beautiful foxtrot with @Will.I.Am PE, who didn’t trip once but thrice during the proceedings, “And we’re going to stop you!”

Before @jean15paul_PE could ask what they meant, a tap-dancing shoe walloped into the back of their skull.  The metal-tip dug into the soft skull at the base of their skull, toppling them immediately. For a moment, they felt sweet victory.  It was perfect. Another killer was down, there was a bear dancing in the background, and they were fighting for true-love’s hand even though they were potentially already married.

It felt very Russian and decadent.

But in the end, @jean15paul_PE did just like to smile, it hid their nervousness.  They never seemed overly upset when someone died because they knew that would draw attention to themselves, which was a liability in this type of game.  As for them voicing their opinion with @RBHeadge PE, that was because they, too, believed that the murders needed to be caught.

Too bad they weren’t.

@jean15paul_PEwas a normal townsperson/contestant

The remaining players are:

@blybrook PE, @Roarbark, @txjennah PE, @vhab49_PE, and @MadamPirate

Final vote:

4 @jean15paul_PE

2 @txjennah PE

Great writing but can't believe we just lost another fellow townie!


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“Oh, come on,” the director whined, plopping back in their chair, “We didn’t even finish the dancing!  What is it with you guys killing everyone?” They asked, pouting when their assistant began to frantically wave their hands, obviously aware that whenever death was mentioned that it was soon to follow.

This was confirmed when moments later @Roarbark gave a surprised sounding ‘urk’ and fell over, the traditional lei draped around their neck giving off a huge poof of obviously something toxic when they landed.  A strange tinge of yellow covered the remainder of their body, changing the color of their evening gown from a beautiful shimmery teal to an eerie lake monster green.  When the body began to seep a clear liquid, and the remainder of contestants and @Will.I.Am PE had taken refuge on the raised stage nearby, the director sighed and gestured to turn off the cameras while taking their double espresso from the assistant, who was now sweating profusely at the new clean-up costs piling up, literally, in front of them.

Obviously, nothing was going to be filmed for this series, so they might as well wait to see the endgame.

@Roarbark was killed by the mafia last night.

The remaining players are:

@blybrook PE, @txjennah PE, @vhab49_PE, and @MadamPirate
