EB Mafia

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I'm dead.  Am I still allowed to comment/speculate?  Or just hit the "like" button now and then like a ghost would?
Only rule about ghosties is they can't reveal any information they might have... like they were the DR, or the cop and investiated  xx people.  Comment away otherwise!

Well I don't have any info to give, except I'm super disappointed in @LyceeFruit  😡.  I thought her and I were tight.  We go way back, so I can only conclude she's a mafia member, because I don't think she would have voted for me unless she was 100% sure I wasn't a townie.

All this because she thought I didn't like her dog?  I love dogs.  We have one.  So failing (or forgetting) to hit the "like" button cost me a vote lol.

Of course this is all in fun but still super disappointed 😂

Well I don't have any info to give, except I'm super disappointed in @LyceeFruit  😡.  I thought her and I were tight.  We go way back, so I can only conclude she's a mafia member, because I don't think she would have voted for me unless she was 100% sure I wasn't a townie.

All this because she thought I didn't like her dog?  I love dogs.  We have one.  So failing (or forgetting) to hit the "like" button cost me a vote lol.

Of course this is all in fun but still super disappointed 😂

Well I don't have any info to give, except I'm super disappointed in @LyceeFruit  😡.  I thought her and I were tight.  We go way back, so I can only conclude she's a mafia member, because I don't think she would have voted for me unless she was 100% sure I wasn't a townie.

All this because she thought I didn't like her dog?  I love dogs.  We have one.  So failing (or forgetting) to hit the "like" button cost me a vote lol.

Of course this is all in fun but still super disappointed 😂
Me aand @tj_PE are internet buddies yet she votes me off all the timee.

Me aand @tj_PE are internet buddies yet she votes me off all the timee.
I like to think I'm internet buddies with many people in this thread.

Whenever JK plays: dead the first round, or def mafia.

Thus why I mod a lot.  Got tired of being killed 4-games in a row the first round.  😚

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I like to think I'm internet buddies with many people in this thread.

Whenever JK plays: dead the first round, or def mafia.

Thus why I mod a lot.  Got tired of being killed 4-games in a row the first round.  😚
Oh yah. I voted you off the first game I played. Thank you for bringing me into this fun game @JayKay PE, now you dead.

<... blah blah blah, rules rules rules...>

Finally, you are not allowed to reveal your role, privately or publicly, after you have been eliminated.

<... more blah blahs...>

I'm dead.  Am I still allowed to comment/speculate?  Or just hit the "like" button now and then like a ghost would?

Of course!  Not allowed to give any information you have out, or vote, but you're allowed to speculate and hang out in the thread.

Only rule about ghosties is they can't reveal any information they might have... like they were the DR, or the cop and investiated  xx people.  Comment away otherwise!
Not to be the requirements reading engineer, but the way I read the rules, after you are dead, you are free to give out any and all information that you have EXCEPT what your role was. Am I incorrect?

EDIT: daytime town lynchings are public, so the mod reveals the role. So this really only applies to nighttime killings, right?

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Not to be the requirements reading engineering, but the way I read the rules, after you are dead, you are free to give out any and all information that you have EXCEPT what your role was. Am I incorrect?
If you're dead, you cannot give out any information your had (including your role).  This sometimes occurs when another special character gives you information to pass on/you know other characters roles.  You can continue to speculate in this thread/have fun with the game, but you cannot vote and should not 'help' either the townies or mafia by passing on what you know.

If you're dead, you cannot give out any information your had (including your role).  This sometimes occurs when another special character gives you information to pass on/you know other characters roles.  You can continue to speculate in this thread/have fun with the game, but you cannot vote and should not 'help' either the townies or mafia by passing on what you know.
Again, not to be a stickler, but this should be added to the rules. #ImJustSaying
The way it's written now, I would disagree. But we're all friends here, so I'm not stressing over it. :)

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If you're dead, you cannot give out any information your had (including your role).  This sometimes occurs when another special character gives you information to pass on/you know other characters roles.  You can continue to speculate in this thread/have fun with the game, but you cannot vote and should not 'help' either the townies or mafia by passing on what you know.
But you said earlier in the story (when I died) that I was a regular person/ townsie.  Wasn't that my role?  

But you said earlier in the story (when I died) that I was a regular person/ townsie.  Wasn't that my role?  
When you are lynched by townspeople, your role is revealed to help the townies know if they actually killed a mafia or fucked up.

When you are killed by the mafia, your role is not revealed as you are killed in the middle of the night.  

Again, not to be a stickler, but this should be added to the rules. #ImJustSaying
The way it's written now, I would disagree. But we're all friends here, so I'm not stressing over it. :)
I think this was discussed a lot in the earlier rounds, since there was a lot of PMing going back and forth where stuff like the cop knowing other people's roles was sharing after they 'died', or after someone died then finding out who was the cop/doctor/etc, but it prob wasn't updated in the rules since we tend to copy+paste them at the start of the round.

Next mod will most likely update it so it is clearer.

Again, not to be a stickler, but this should be added to the rules. #ImJustSaying
The way it's written now, I would disagree. But we're all friends here, so I'm not stressing over it. :)
I think it states that in the rules that are sent out to the special characters, however, not so explicitly in the game rules, so I suppose it is a grey area when it comes to regular townies being able to transmit information.  
