EB Mafia

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I got distracted by FFX play-through and drinking milk.

I also took out my contacts and ate too many more cookies.
FFX is badass! One of the best! 3 or 6 (depending on how you count them) was my fav though.10 and 9 kind of tied for next. Then 7, 5, 4, and lastly that atrocious horse shittery they called FFXV. Noctis sucks harder than a Hoover (or @ChebyshevII PE trying to win this dating contest, but I digress). Never played 11 to 14 or 8 but 12 looks somewhat ok. 

I quit reading/posting around 7pm CST to spend time with wife.  Woke up to find I'm dead!  Omg lol.  It was fun!  Maybe I'll last longer next time!
You can always stick around and just comment on the going ons.  AKA: Hang w/ JK, since I can't comment on anything or else everyone thinks I am giving away who is mafia who is whatever.

So busy making sure @tj_PE wasn’t up to something, they completed disregarded @Spickett, who had come from behind with a curling iron.  The iron, carefully heated to the max temperature of 400-degrees Fahrenheit, was clamped down on the front of their throat as @Spickett jerked their head back by the hair. The thin skin began to blister at the contact, hair and tissue burning at the prolonged contact, and @MEtoEE gurgled as they felt the heat literally begin to seep to the back of their tongue.  @Spickett lost their grip, resulting in @MEtoEE's head to naturally snap forward to curl around the agonizing heat, but they were pulled back after a moment when @Spickett waved their hand to get rid of the hair strands and chunk of scalp that had caught on their manicure.

@leggo PE approached from the front, expertly curled eyelashes fluttering as they held up the bottle of perfume.  “Let me fix that for you. Freshen you up for Prince Charming,” They murmured beatifically, slowly pulling out the stopper for the perfume and they slowly, so slowly, pulled down the lower lid of @MEtoEE's left eyelid.




Went ‘Boyfriend’ by Kate Walsh.

A weird croaking came from @MEtoEE’s throat as they attempted to gag around the smell and taste of the perfume, amber and pain flooding their senses as the stinging liquid rolled down the sides of their face and into the smoothed cavern of burn that now made up the majority of their neck.  

@Spickett sighed as the iron pushed deeper, pressing against the delicate trachea that was now partially exposed. This was taking way too long, to be honest, and they were getting bored.

source (1).gif

o hai.  I had margaritas, jalapenos, and made ranger cookies last night.  I made poor decisions. Have some murder.


It was really easy to miss a single screw when assembling a project, big or small.

Countless construction sites often have them scattered around the ground, ready to pop the tire of the unsuspecting official that has visited to perform a spot check, and someone always finds an ‘extra screw’ when assembling their IKEA furniture.  Hell, there is even that package you can buy that has a whole variety of screws and nuts and nails for when you inevitably mess up and either use too many, or too few, when constructing your masterpiece of mounting those damn shelves in the garage, finally.

So, the stage hand who found the extra screw on the ground thought nothing of it.  They pocketed it, because they were tired of the ‘slip, trip, fall’ corporate message that had been crammed down their throat each huddle, and went over to the mess table to see if the cute caterer had come again.  Their shift was over, working when none of the actual production was filmed, so they didn’t even figure out that the screw had come from the tall spiral staircase that led to the dramatic reveal location (#EB-lover2019).

 A majority of the contestants were able to step over the single step near the top that was labeled ‘wet paint’.  Hell, some skipped over it, excited to be filmed and make their debut as either a: sexy justice of the peace, a slutty cafeteria worker, or a sultry librarian.  Those designated as the provocative pill pusher were maybe not as light as foot, still muddling over what exactly they were supposed to be, but even they were able to make the climb due to their extremely efficient Timberland heeled boots they had been forced into.

“This is ridiculous,” @ChaosMuppetPE huffed, blowing air upwards from their bottom lip in hopes of shifting the layers of fabric draped over their person.  “I swear, this is more of a workout than my personal trainer could ever hope.”  They paused on one of the steps, catching their breath, and turned slightly to look over their shoulder at the last contestant in line who seemed to be cloaked in shadow.  “If you want, you can go first.  Maybe they’ll like the name swap and pull it for a scandal?”

“Oh no, you go on.  I was told by the director to stay behind.  I think they’re marketing me as the ‘big bad’ this season.”  The person, who @ChaosMuppetPE still couldn’t see clearly due to their outfit and the poor backstage lighting, said.  “Plus, spiral staircases always give me the creeps.  I like going up there in one non-stop to get it over with.”

@ChaosMuppetPE nodded and took one more heavy step upwards, not noticing the inconspicuous ‘wet paint’ sign in warning of something potentially more sinister.

The step easily gave way under @ChaosMuppetPE ’s weight.  They fell forward, hands covered by the gauzy fabric of their evening wear (they had been billed as the rich socialite who was looking for a new lover) scrambling for a hold on the metal railings, only to fail.  The top step bore the brunt of their face with the safety edge of the step wedging itself into the soft space near their ear, resulting in their bottom jaw dislocating and half of their teeth digging through the bottom half of their nose, semi-severing it.

One of their fanciful heels, so termed by the costumer, had slipped through the slats of a different stair when they lost their balance.  The right ankle snapped easily under the pressure and their knee, shown provocatively through the dress’s slit, slammed into a stair edge and caused the knee to pop out of alignment as the unmoving steel dug deeper into cartilage and ripped through tissue.

The heel of their shoe acted as an anchor point as @ChaosMuppetPE ’s body went into shock, their body slumping and beginning to slide backwards down the spiral staircase.  Their outfit in tatters due to the delicate nature of it, and blood splattered over a hefty percentage of it, a bone pushed grotesquely against the skin of the ankle as it struggled to keep the body from tumbling further down. 

@ChaosMuppetPE could feel the blood rushing to their head and rushing toward their ruined mouth and nose, where they struggled to breath.  For a moment, they hoped they would pass out before the inevitable happened, but it seemed fate was not on their side as the agonizing burn near their ankle ratcheted up to a higher degree as the skin began to split from the shattered bone pushing from the other side.  Features scrunched in agony, they could do nothing as their ankle was separated from their body due to their own body weight.

Thankfully, they lost consciousness as they body began its slow decent from on high.  Limbs and clothing and hair sometimes slowed the process, catching on different stairs or on themselves, contorting the body as it spiraled down to the floor.  When it finally reached the lacquered wood surface of the studio, it was debatable if @ChaosMuppetPE could even be identified due to the state they were in.

The other contestant calmly stepped over the body, ready for their cue to enter and seduce the newest lover of this season.

@ChaosMuppetPE was killed by the mafia last night.

The remaining players are:

@squaretaper PE, @ChebyshevII PE, @jean15paul_PE, @blybrook PE, @Roarbark, @chart94, @txjennah PE, @leggo PE, @tj_PE, @NikR_PE, @Spickett, @LyceeFruit, @RBHeadge PE, @vhab49_PE, @MadamPirate, and @Audi driver, P.E.

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@Roarbark - you knew what was going to happen the minute I was allowed to mod again.  But the reactions are def on-point and pretty much what I feel when I go back and re-read after posting.  As for fanfic...I might have dabbled when I was younger, but I def haven't written anything recently (not counting the mafia-modding rounds).

@Spickett...did you not look at previous mafia rounds?  JK likes writing/have a theme.  I try my best.
