leggo PE
Straight Waffle-izer
Yep, I know... I just normally stick to a few specific ones, so it was like a run down memory lane finding that hanging one!There's a lot of them! Someone had a really dark sense of humor back in the day.
Yep, I know... I just normally stick to a few specific ones, so it was like a run down memory lane finding that hanging one!There's a lot of them! Someone had a really dark sense of humor back in the day.
Thats a thin burrito. Of course i am assuming the size of your forearm.Hah, we won! I'm sorry I missed the vote last night, I was out with friends eating a burrito the size of my forearm.![]()
Very interesting, although 1) this seems to be a completely different game entirely, and 2) the mechanic of an alias account seems like it might get tricky on this board (sounds like we’d have a lot of one-off uses and based on your description it seems like a new “account” would need to be created for each round).So I have an idea for the next game. In the spirit of making things as dark, morbid, and chaotic as possible, I was thinking about rehashing the rules and changing a few of the characters.
The gist of it would be that the game would be set in the past and everyone playing would have to play under a fake account (I.E. Chaosmuppet would create an account called Bob the Blacksmith, @RBHeadge PE could be Dave the Town Drunk, @Audi driver, P.E. could be Heather the Hedonistic Hooker, Etc.). To make this work NO ONE can share who they really are.
There would be (4) special characters with special abilities and these include:
The Nameless One - basically the mafia but twisted. The nameless one will be possessed by the controller, so assuming my evil friend @leggo PE (a perfectly evil fit) is the nameless one, she will present herself as a simple minded villager named Sally the Sewer Sweeper.
The Nameless One would have (2) innate abilities:
First, this player can choose to directly kill (1) player per night and remove them from play with the exception of the town drunk. The Drunk can't be removed from play under any circumstances.
Second, this player can choose to "possess" up to (1) additional character for less than 10 players and (2) additional characters if more than 10 players. Upon possession, the possessed character(s) align their interest with The Nameless One. (All of this will take place through the moderator, and only the moderator and Town Drunk will know who The Nameless One is). The Nameless One can possess anyone of their choosing except The Town Drunk and can possess another individual if one of their original possessions is exorcised by the priest. The Nameless One can't re-possess someone who has been exorcised from possession. The Nameless one can "drop" the possession (1 per night) thereby killing the possessee or The Nameless One may direct the possessee(s) to kill someone.
The Priest is another special character. The priest has (1) opportunity per night to prevent or reverse possession by guessing who has been possessed or will be possessed.
The Town Drunk is another special character. The drunk knows all and sees all, however, years of imbibing homemade moonshine from lead bound casks has removed their ability to speak and severely crossed their eyes. The Town drunk may ONLY communicate via existing memes, pictures, or videos and cannot speak anything game related directly (general chat is fine). Everyone may ask the town drunk one question per day and the town drunk my respond with a meme, video, or photo to try and reveal the answers to (3) questions of their choosing. There are some caveats to this. The Drunk may not respond with something that DIRECTLY implicates The Nameless One. I.E. if @Audi driver, P.E. were The Nameless One, they may not respond with a picture of an Audi. Keep it cryptic to make it fun... Everyone will know who the town drunk is very quickly, but The Nameless One has no interest in killing them and the taste of lead laden moonshine and crossed eyes prevents possession.
The Hunter is last special character. The Hunter functions much like the cop and may investigate (1) individual per day. The caveat is, if they investigate a possessed individual, then the possessed individual is removed from play. If they discover The Nameless One, then the character played by The Nameless One is revealed to them and they are instructed as such.
The Nameless One can only be killed by speaking their TRUE name. I.E. the EB handle of the player using the fake account. So if I were The Nameless One and I were playing as Simon the Simpleton, voting @ChaosMuppetPE is Simon the Simpleton would reveal The Nameless One and banish them from the temporal realm.
Villagers do not kill in this game. There are (3) ways to die:
First, The Nameless One may kill one individual directly.
Second, The Possessed may kill one individual directly at the behest of The Nameless One.
Third, The Hunter may inadvertently kill a possessed individual whom they have investigated.
The game is won by the villagers when they discover the identity of The Nameless One.
The game is won by The Nameless One when the non-possessed villagers excluding the town drunk equal the number of possessed villagers + The Nameless One.
When someone is killed, only their player name is revealed.
It's a thought. All input, even negative, is welcome. Or you may just think it's stupid.
I was thinking about the accounts. It would have to be on the honor system, but enough could be created and the handles can easily be changed to suit the taste of the player. I.E. everyone playing would give an account to the moderator using a simple gmail account like [email protected] with the password EBaccount. That way, the moderator could pass out these accounts without having to constantly re-create them.Very interesting, although 1) this seems to be a completely different game entirely, and 2) the mechanic of an alias account seems like it might get tricky on this board (sounds like we’d have a lot of one-off uses and based on your description it seems like a new “account” would need to be created for each round).
I’d be game for giving it a shot in a separate thread, perhaps, if some of the logistical questions could be sorted out.
Hahahaha, I think I'm going to need a break for a round or two. Really did like flexing a little story-telling for the last two rounds, but I didn't realize that my bedtime was so early until I had to stay up past 10pm EST each night so I could count vote/write a blurb.I’ve never made it this far lol
Amazing job @JayKay PE, can’t wait for the next one
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I have a fairly good sized forearm - and the burrito was in length and girth relative to my forearm.Thats a thin burrito. Of course i am assuming the size of your forearm.
yea but i have fam in town for the next 2 weeks so i LITERALLY CAN'T EVENYOU CAN MOD, YOU DON'T NEED TO WRITE STORIES (JK just likes to write stories.).
I don't know if I'll be in or not, depending on this week. Have to see what I'm able to get done.
This is weird. I like it.So I have an idea for the next game. In the spirit of making things as dark, morbid, and chaotic as possible, I was thinking about rehashing the rules and changing a few of the characters.
The gist of it would be that the game would be set in the past and everyone playing would have to play under a fake account (I.E. Chaosmuppet would create an account called Bob the Blacksmith, @RBHeadge PE could be Dave the Town Drunk, @Audi driver, P.E. could be Heather the Hedonistic Hooker, Etc.). To make this work NO ONE can share who they really are.
There would be (4) special characters with special abilities and these include:
The Nameless One - basically the mafia but twisted. The nameless one will be possessed by the controller, so assuming my evil friend @leggo PE (a perfectly evil fit) is the nameless one, she will present herself as a simple minded villager named Sally the Sewer Sweeper.
The Nameless One would have (2) innate abilities:
First, this player can choose to directly kill (1) player per night and remove them from play with the exception of the town drunk. The Drunk can't be removed from play under any circumstances.
Second, this player can choose to "possess" up to (1) additional character for less than 10 players and (2) additional characters if more than 10 players. Upon possession, the possessed character(s) align their interest with The Nameless One. (All of this will take place through the moderator, and only the moderator and Town Drunk will know who The Nameless One is). The Nameless One can possess anyone of their choosing except The Town Drunk and can possess another individual if one of their original possessions is exorcised by the priest. The Nameless One can't re-possess someone who has been exorcised from possession. The Nameless one can "drop" the possession (1 per night) thereby killing the possessee or The Nameless One may direct the possessee(s) to kill someone.
The Priest is another special character. The priest has (1) opportunity per night to prevent or reverse possession by guessing who has been possessed or will be possessed.
The Town Drunk is another special character. The drunk knows all and sees all, however, years of imbibing homemade moonshine from lead bound casks has removed their ability to speak and severely crossed their eyes. The Town drunk may ONLY communicate via existing memes, pictures, or videos and cannot speak anything game related directly (general chat is fine). Everyone may ask the town drunk one question per day and the town drunk my respond with a meme, video, or photo to try and reveal the answers to (3) questions of their choosing. There are some caveats to this. The Drunk may not respond with something that DIRECTLY implicates The Nameless One. I.E. if @Audi driver, P.E. were The Nameless One, they may not respond with a picture of an Audi. Keep it cryptic to make it fun... Everyone will know who the town drunk is very quickly, but The Nameless One has no interest in killing them and the taste of lead laden moonshine and crossed eyes prevents possession.
The Hunter is the last special character. The Hunter functions much like the cop and may investigate (1) individual per day. The caveat is, if they investigate a possessed individual, then the possessed individual is killed and removed from play. If they discover The Nameless One, then the character played by The Nameless One is revealed to them and they are instructed as such. (The TRUE name is not revealed)
The Nameless One can only be killed by speaking their TRUE name. I.E. the EB handle of the player using the fake account. So if I were The Nameless One and I were playing as Simon the Simpleton, voting @ChaosMuppetPE is Simon the Simpleton would reveal The Nameless One and banish them from the temporal realm. The guess with the highest number of votes wins. If there is a tie, a guess will be chosen at random. Once The Nameless One's character has been selected by the villagers via voting, it will be revealed that this character is The Nameless One, but their TRUE name will not be revealed.
Villagers do not kill in this game. There are (3) ways to die as a villager:
First, The Nameless One may kill one individual directly.
Second, The Possessed may kill one individual directly at the behest of The Nameless One.
Third, The Hunter may inadvertently kill a possessed individual whom they have investigated.
The game is won by the villagers when they discover the identity of The Nameless One.
The game is won by The Nameless One when the non-possessed villagers, excluding the town drunk, equal the number of possessed villagers + The Nameless One.
When someone is killed, only their player name is revealed.
It's a thought. All input, even negative, is welcome. Or you may just think it's stupid.
I have no such scruples...I discovered these recently, as I was spamming.
:suicide1: :hung-037: :Failed: :whipping: :suicide: :mf_Flush:
And, of, course, there are a couple of sexually explicit ones that I'll spare everyone.
I haven't modded in awhile, and i dont mind story telling. Granted @JayKay PE killed it this round so its a bit intimidating. But i think i have a few ideas..I’m in and I can mod if no one else wants to (i’m Not much for storytelling)
I see what you did there.I haven't modded in awhile, and i dont mind story telling. Granted @JayKay PE killed it this round so its a bit intimidating. But i think i have a few ideas..