djl PE
Well-known member
At 8:57 yesterday I was running around my kitchen trying to find my phone to make sure I voted. I help out with a college scuba class every Thursday from 6-8:30 ish. I figured/hoped that @Dothracki PE would have been on the chopping block based on their voting history so I just repeated my previous vote.@DuranDuran PE Based purely on who didn't vote for @RBHeadge PE yesterday, I vote for @squaretaper LIT AF PE and @SaltySteve PE .
Note: The town troublemaker stirred up trouble during the night, before she was nightkilled. Because of the trouble, there will be two lynchings today on Day 5.
Remaining Players are: @SaltySteve PE , @blybrook PE , @Dothracki PE , @djl PE and @squaretaper LIT AF PE
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Thanks for this!First, @DuranDuran PE votes #3 & 4 in your table are under the wrong row. @Dothracki PE didn't vote for himself. Needs to be moved up to @SaltySteve PE.
If anyone needs more explanationLooks like we have a 4-way tie so far.
In light of the troublemaker stirring up trouble, I'm implementing a new tie-breaker. Any tie-breakers tonight will be decided by RPLSS. See below for explanation:
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@RBHeadge PE was a regular mafia. The mafia spy is still at large.I'm glad we finally got a MAF and the troublemaker was able to start trouble before being lost to the enemy. We don't know if @RBHeadge PE was the mafia spy or not as @DuranDuran PE only listed "regular mafia" under alliance. So the spy could still be out there. The doc hasn't been lynched, but their lackluster performance this round doesn't lead to any reads on who it is.
As the rules are currently written, the mafia night kill is majority rule. As I understand it, this is in place so if one of the mafia are too busy or distracted to vote, it won't prevent the mafia from a night kill. However, if there is a tie, there won't be a night kill. Since the mafia spy role was introduced, it motivates the rest of the mafia to vote together, since the spy is unknown to the mafia and may vote an potentially cause a tie. For this round (for game balance), I allowed the spy to be automatically united with the mafia after Day 3.If I understand the rules correctly, all of the mafia have to agree on who to night kill. There isn't a majority rule (I could be wrong on this, it's been a while since I've played a round). If this is the case, whomever is mafia has been active on the board daily; albeit not in the round.
You can get mad at me or not for not voting when I had no clue who was mafia and we were killing off townies left and right. I'm one for one killing mafs.@djl PE didn't make a retaliatory vote when I voted for them on day 2; nor voted until yesterday to put out the first vote for @RBHeadge PE. Getting used to the game is one thing, but if you are in a round, be active. Read - Mafia Lean
Plus I said no cap so there's no way I can be fibbing.
eh ... it's definitely been known to happen. Especially when the game is nearing an end and the MAF wants to try to sway townie votes.BTW guys, I'm not clever. If I was maf I would not have initiated voting against presumably the only other know ally I had.
I also had to look it up...I've never heard of this term. Had to go look it up. Thanks for the information.