EB Mafia

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Lol, thanks guys for pretty much describing/illistrating exactly how I eat my giant freezer bag of watermelon.

Write up below!!!!


@NikR_PE nervously tugged at their high school uniform, fiddling with the scarlet necktie and adjusting it so it was a bit more snug with their neck.  They wish they had been able to stay at their old school, with their old friends, but the opportunity for their father was too great to pass and so... First grade.  New school.  They sighed as they lingered outside the gates of the school campus and eyed the other students who walked by.  Taking one more fortifying breath, they adjusted their gray skirt, and hurriedly walked forward to get to homeroom-

Only to promptly run into a broad back.

“Ah, I’m so sorry!” @NikR_PE said as they bounced to the ground, biting their lip to keep the tears at bay.  They were so stupid!  Their first impression on the new student body and they ruined it by clumsily running into someone.  They should have never come to this new place with their father!  They should have stayed in the countryside with their mother and just continued on as needed, though this premier school was only possible with the scholarship they received!

They were jolted from their thoughts at the hand thrust in front of their face, larger than their face with claws clicking slightly.  @NikR_PE’s gaze traveled up the arm, past the immaculately pressed uniform shirt cuff and holly berry red jacket, only to rest on a pair of beautiful deep brown eyes with the largest eyelashes they had ever seen.

Я прошу прощения. Меня отвлекла рыба.

A blush sprung to @NikR_PE's features, to their utmost mortification.

The bear blinked slowly, their towering figure casting a shadow on the much smaller @NikR_PE, before the other student reached down and roughly grabbed @NikR_PE by the arm and pulled them into a standing position.  “Я извиняюсь. Я опоздаю на занятия.”  They said, attempting to pat down @NikR_PE, much to the other’s despair, before turning and lumbering their way into the schoolyard.

To @NikR_PE, that brief brushing of dirt and absent-minded smile was love at first sight.

They paused for a moment to compose themselves and that was all it took for the mean girls to arrive.

“Do you really think you’re good enough for @blybrook PE?” 

They turned and took in the two other students who had approached, their beautifully styled hair and nails obviously signifying they were second graders.

“Hey, yeah, you, answer us,” The one with blue highlights in their hair said, snapping their fingers in @NikR_PE’s general direction.  “You can’t just come in here and expect to go after @blybrook PE without us stopping you!”

The other, who had beautiful coffee colored skin, nodded in agreement.  “@blybrook PE is the property of the EB Technical High School girl squad and they would never fall for someone as...basic as you.”

The two laughed and the one with blue highlights, whose uniform skirt was a few inches too short, shoved @NikR_PE so they slammed into the brick wall.  “You stay away from @blybrook PE or I’ll make you pay.”

@NikR_PE frowned.  They may be new but they weren’t going to let these two walk all over them.  “And how’re you going to do that?”  Their fists clenched and a single tear glittered as it slid slowly down their cheek.

“Whaaaaaaat?!”  The one with the blue highlights gasped at the tear: ONLY MAIN CHARACTERS HAD SUCH A THING HAPPEN TO THEM.

They were so ashamed at fighting with the main character instead of becoming their best friend that they dropped their designer bag and began crying themselves, causing their previously flawless makeup to run and thus ruining all their previous street cred.

@ChebyshevII PE was defeated by the tear of a beautiful k-drama heroine who was in the process of finding true love.

@ChebyshevII PE was mafia.

The remaining players are:

@DuranDuran, @txjennah PE, @squaretaper LIT AF PE, @MadamPirate PE, @jean15paul_PE, @Roarbark, @RBHeadge PE, @Dothracki, @tj_PE, @LyceeFruit PE, @NikR_PE, @Road Guy, and @Audi driver, P.E.

The final vote was:

2 @NikR_PE (JP, chebs)

2 @ChebyshevII PE(Duran, Nik)

1 @Audi driver, P.E. (doth)

Tie breaker results:

Nik Response

Cheb Response
































Win = 3

Win = 2

Winner = Nik

@ChebyshevII PE is a mean girl, confirmed. 
@NikR_PE, Bly miiiight already have eyes for @RBHeadge PE. You've got a fight in front of you, he's a prize. 

@JayKay PE I'm already "hooked" on the story. 🧡


@ChebyshevII PE is a mean girl, confirmed. 
@NikR_PE, Bly miiiight already have eyes for @RBHeadge PE. You've got a fight in front of you, he's a prize. 

@JayKay PE I'm already "hooked" on the story. 🧡
Me this morning:


Lol, thanks guys for pretty much describing/illistrating exactly how I eat my giant freezer bag of watermelon.

Write up below!!!!


@NikR_PE nervously tugged at their high school uniform, fiddling with the scarlet necktie and adjusting it so it was a bit more snug with their neck.  They wish they had been able to stay at their old school, with their old friends, but the opportunity for their father was too great to pass and so... First grade.  New school.  They sighed as they lingered outside the gates of the school campus and eyed the other students who walked by.  Taking one more fortifying breath, they adjusted their gray skirt, and hurriedly walked forward to get to homeroom-

Only to promptly run into a broad back.

“Ah, I’m so sorry!” @NikR_PE said as they bounced to the ground, biting their lip to keep the tears at bay.  They were so stupid!  Their first impression on the new student body and they ruined it by clumsily running into someone.  They should have never come to this new place with their father!  They should have stayed in the countryside with their mother and just continued on as needed, though this premier school was only possible with the scholarship they received!

They were jolted from their thoughts at the hand thrust in front of their face, larger than their face with claws clicking slightly.  @NikR_PE’s gaze traveled up the arm, past the immaculately pressed uniform shirt cuff and holly berry red jacket, only to rest on a pair of beautiful deep brown eyes with the largest eyelashes they had ever seen.

Я прошу прощения. Меня отвлекла рыба.

A blush sprung to @NikR_PE's features, to their utmost mortification.

The bear blinked slowly, their towering figure casting a shadow on the much smaller @NikR_PE, before the other student reached down and roughly grabbed @NikR_PE by the arm and pulled them into a standing position.  “Я извиняюсь. Я опоздаю на занятия.”  They said, attempting to pat down @NikR_PE, much to the other’s despair, before turning and lumbering their way into the schoolyard.

To @NikR_PE, that brief brushing of dirt and absent-minded smile was love at first sight.

They paused for a moment to compose themselves and that was all it took for the mean girls to arrive.

“Do you really think you’re good enough for @blybrook PE?” 

They turned and took in the two other students who had approached, their beautifully styled hair and nails obviously signifying they were second graders.

“Hey, yeah, you, answer us,” The one with blue highlights in their hair said, snapping their fingers in @NikR_PE’s general direction.  “You can’t just come in here and expect to go after @blybrook PE without us stopping you!”

The other, who had beautiful coffee colored skin, nodded in agreement.  “@blybrook PE is the property of the EB Technical High School girl squad and they would never fall for someone as...basic as you.”

The two laughed and the one with blue highlights, whose uniform skirt was a few inches too short, shoved @NikR_PE so they slammed into the brick wall.  “You stay away from @blybrook PE or I’ll make you pay.”

@NikR_PE frowned.  They may be new but they weren’t going to let these two walk all over them.  “And how’re you going to do that?”  Their fists clenched and a single tear glittered as it slid slowly down their cheek.

“Whaaaaaaat?!”  The one with the blue highlights gasped at the tear: ONLY MAIN CHARACTERS HAD SUCH A THING HAPPEN TO THEM.

They were so ashamed at fighting with the main character instead of becoming their best friend that they dropped their designer bag and began crying themselves, causing their previously flawless makeup to run and thus ruining all their previous street cred.

@ChebyshevII PE was defeated by the tear of a beautiful k-drama heroine who was in the process of finding true love.

@ChebyshevII PE was mafia.

The remaining players are:

@DuranDuran, @txjennah PE, @squaretaper LIT AF PE, @MadamPirate PE, @jean15paul_PE, @Roarbark, @RBHeadge PE, @Dothracki, @tj_PE, @LyceeFruit PE, @NikR_PE, @Road Guy, and @Audi driver, P.E.

The final vote was:

2 @NikR_PE (JP, chebs)

2 @ChebyshevII PE(Duran, Nik)

1 @Audi driver, P.E. (doth)

Tie breaker results:

Nik Response

Cheb Response
































Win = 3

Win = 2

Winner = Nik
Mafia on day one!!!

So does the story imply that @NikR_PE is not mafia?

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Mafia on day one!!!

So does the story imply that @NikR_PE is not mafia?
All storytelling is exactly that: storytelling.  As mod I try to incorporate the people who are most active that day/voting.  It does not reveal or implicate any roles.


A gentle breeze stirred the flowers blooming on a nearby tree.  A single, cream-colored petal was shaken free to begin a meandering path down to the paved walkway.  There, its beauty was highlighted by the dying rays of the sun, only to be abruptly trampled by delicate jipsin-clad feet.

"Do you believe the rumors?"

Artfully styled concubines walked in pairs or trios, respectfully dropping their eyes as the Crown Prince strode quickly past.  Though the Crown Prince was dealing with the grief of the Queen Dowager passing, they still acted with the proper respect to the Court.

"I do not.  The Crown Prince would never degrade themself so," Another responded, taking in the newly tailored outfit that offset the russet tones of the Crown Prince's fur as the sun set over the courtyard.  "And even if they did, why would they choose someone with such low blood?"  They whispered in an undertone to keep it between the favored first and second ranks.

The Crown Prince huffed through their large nostrils, hearing the barb against their choice, but continuing to the rendezvous point.  Their beloved finally had an answer!  Thought they continued to learn their duties as a future king with a frenzied zealous, as the dying Queen Dowager wished, but their heart yearned for more.

Checking their surroundings, they ducked into the secret alcove of scented fruit trees.

There!  Beautiful beyond compare!  @MadamPirate PE!

"Моя любовь!"  @blybrook PE grumbled deep in their chest, approaching quickly only to notice something was not right!  A single tear escaped their beloved's eye as they turned.  "Что случилось?"

"I know I was stealing these moments for myself," @MadamPirate PE said, raising a hand to delicately brush away another tear, dampening the fabric of their sleeve.  "We were never meant to meet, and yet..."

@blybrook PE knew what was being said, and yet they didn't want to.  Isn't this what their advisor, @vhab49_PE. said would happen?  That though their love was strong, it would need to be as fleeting as the summer wind.  "Пожалуйста ... не..."

"They said it would cure my pain."  @MadamPirate PE held up a small glass flask, the top sealed with dark red wax.  "It would help me forget you."

Before @blybrook PE was able to run forward and knock it from their hands, @MadamPirate PE scraped off the wax with a fingernail and swallowed the contents in one movement.

For a moment, nothing happened.  @blybrook PE's heart soared only to plummet in the next instant: A small trickle of blood formed at the edge of smiling lips and @MadamPirate PE collapsed gracefully to the floor into silent rest.

@MadamPirate PE was killed by the mafia last night.

The remaining players are:

@DuranDuran@txjennah PE@squaretaper LIT AF PE@jean15paul_PE@Roarbark@RBHeadge PE@Dothracki@tj_PE@LyceeFruit PE@NikR_PE@Road Guy, and @Audi driver, P.E.

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