EB Mafia

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Alternately, it would be a really noob move for the mafia to keep targeting people that vote for one of their members. It kinda gives the game away.
yep. and since our noob already noobed and is dedded, i suspect the former


1 @DuranDuran (MP)

Short write-up below:

The group finally made their way past the greeter-cum-membership-security at the front and made their way into electronics.  Immediately they were bombarded by large television flat-screens that showed HIGH-DEFINITION videos in CRYSTAL-CLEAR DETAIL.  Of course the videos being shown were simple, totally tailored, videos like a bee buzzing around a super orange flower, or a dolphin creepily jumping out of the waves to check out the goods, but it was the potential they were marketing and selling, not actual real-life specs.

Everyone gathered around various different setups, jockeying to get closer to the vivid images and imagining it in their own house.

“I think we should get a smart-tv, so it’s easier for me to stream everything”, @SaltySteve said, homing in on an LG 65” class that allowed such options.

@Audi driver, P.E. harrumphed, “Bigger is better”, while gesturing at a 292” Samsung that, to be honest, seemed to be compensating for something.

“I want something that will connect to Alexa so I know all my appliances are secretly monitoring me at all times,” said @DuranDuran, who was standing in front of, not a tv, but of an exterior camera setup that was currently recording them.  They didn’t seem to know the difference and nobody had the heart to tell them so..

“I don’t care what type of television we get, but it needs to have more than 2 HDMI slots.  How else can I plug in my digital photos so they show Moo-moo dog in all their glory on the screen if I only have two ports?”  @LyceeFruit PE’s speaking was muffled, as they had somehow gotten up onto the display and was currently halfway in-between and behind to models, checking underneath the hood.

“Maybe we should get a smaller tv?”  @ChebyshevII PE mentioned, thinking of damage control and spending all that money only for a single child to throw a ball at it and destroying it in a million pieces.  Which they’d have to then clean up. 

Deafening silence following the statement.

A...smaller television.  Smaller?  But.  The point of a television was to get it as big as possible so you could see EVERYTHING.  So you could watch EVERYTHING.  So you could hear EVERYTHING.  SO YOU COULD TASTE EVERYTHING (Costco has a patent on the new ‘smell/taste-o vision’ which had taken S. Korea by storm last quarter and was only now being shipped to the US).

Getting a smaller television was not the way and obviously @ChebyshevII PE had to go.  They couldn’t have someone so un-patriotic in Costco.  I mean, damn, their colors were Red, White, and Blue, like The Great American Flag.  *salutes*

As if sensing a potential lack of patriotism, and knowing @ChebyshevII PE 103 children were raised via homestead vs. buying in bulk, a large Sony 85" Class - X90CH Series - 4K UHD LED LCD TV teetered closely to the edge.  @ChebyshevII PE was oblivious, expounding on the joys of owning something smaller that still met your needs, to the disgust of the group.  @ChebyshevII PE was almost ready to explain -gasp- a minimalistic lifestyle when the television finally lost its footing and laid them out flat.  

A visible foot twitched, and it was uncertain if the trickling stream of red was blood or ketchup from a stolen hot dog, but the rest of @ChebyshevII PE body was hidden underneath the television...Which didn’t have a scratch on it.  Amazing craftsmanship, @RBHeadge PE mused, taking down the item number so they could purchase it at the front and have the workers load it in the Miata.  

Before they were able to move the television, couldn't block the aisles for other shoppers, they were alerted by some yelling.

“Hey, guys, look what I found!” @Dothracki said from an adjacent aisle.  Leaving behind the now thinner body of @ChebyshevII PE, they tromped over, only to stop at the aisle entrance.  Oh no, they all thought, he’s the Fucking New Guy™.

@Dothracki turned happily, “Isn’t this neat?” They said, proudly gesturing at the three-pack of wood chippers that were displayed as per Costco-guidelines on the main floor where children could convince their parents to buy them.  “This should really help me with clearing out the lawn, since all those storms knocked down those branches.”  Everyone winced when @Dothracki patted one of the wood chippers on the frame, as if expecting it to come to life.  “Look there is even a tester button!  Sweet!”

Everyone tensed when the darling, so naive, new guy pressed the button, sure that they were about to see a bloodbath, only to sigh in relief when they realized that the openings of all the wood chippers were covered with super strong plexi-glass.

What they didn’t realize is that the vibrations of the wood chipper demo would cause another three-pack stored on the upper deck to vibrate loose and careen off the edge.

@Dothracki was the only one standing close enough to be in the danger zone, since everyone else had learned to fear the massive power of wood chippers in repose.

The sound of the breaking bones was like snapping twigs combined with the crunch of Autumn leaves.  Unlike @ChebyshevII PE, there was no doubt on what the red splattered around a third of the aisle was. Some parts were semi-identifiable as a person, that if you hadn’t seen @Dothracki you would assume it was maybe a package of rotisserie chicken that had been dropped.  Other parts were blatantly human, like the arm that was cut off by the sharp plastic packaging that still had on a Seiko (which still had perfect time, such a wonderful product, only $119.99 in the nearby jewelry display).    

It was obvious that that wood chipper bundle would be sold at a discount, due to the slight smell, but nothing a good power-wash couldn’t cure.

The group was herded away by a concerned Costco employee, who now had to set up the taste-test stand.

@Dothracki was killed by the mafia (who obviously were the reason for improper overhead storage).

The remaining players are:

@MadamPirate PE, @NikR_PE, @txjennah PE, @DuranDuran, @jean15paul_PE, @RBHeadge PE, @Roarbark, @Audi driver, P.E., @SaltySteve, and @LyceeFruit PE

The final vote was:

1 @SaltySteve(lycee)

@ChebyshevII PE (duran)

1 @Audi driver, P.E. (MP)

1 @DuranDuran(chebs)

1 @LyceeFruit PE(doth)

@Cheby was killed via randomizer.
