EB Mafia

Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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Stressed, busy, and dying inside from work and studying for the PE exam. I picked a bad year to take it.

oh hey I know those feelings

This year is quite the year, sorry y'all have to go thru (except for @DuranDuran no sorries for himmmmmmm)
 Husband is working insane hours and stressed out. The kids are fighting all the time about asinine things, school is "hybrid" and work is getting busy. I am ready to call it on the studying, and just go in blind.  Which is an expensive decision to make.

 Husband is working insane hours and stressed out. The kids are fighting all the time about asinine things, school is "hybrid" and work is getting busy. I am ready to call it on the studying, and just go in blind.  Which is an expensive decision to make.
If you're going that route, make sure to drink a ton beforehand as well.  Might as well go all in.

 Husband is working insane hours and stressed out. The kids are fighting all the time about asinine things, school is "hybrid" and work is getting busy. I am ready to call it on the studying, and just go in blind.  Which is an expensive decision to make.
I went into 2 of my attempts blind. Maybe 3?

Def don't recommend lol 


