I can understand most of that...but no TIVO???? I feel so sorry for you.
I'm more Amish than you. No cell, dial-up modem, and the biggest TV is a 25 incher from 1992.Isn't it a touch ironic. Here we are a bunch of technical professionals, and it appears that many of us are not using the latest "techo-toy". Just to show how much I am an engineer with an Amish-like attitude I do not have any of the following:
A myspace page
A face book page
A home wireless network
A "home" website (My internet provider allows me 5 Mb on thier web server)
An iPod (MP3 Player)
A "blue tooth" headset (I plug my cell phone headset in)
Surrond-sound on my TV (I do have the hi-def set)
A TiVo unit
A DVR unit (same as a TiVo?)
Freon, A hopelessluy behind the times P.E.
I had a MySpace page a long time ago to track down friends from high school and college. In the end, it seemed like I had become and magnet for ... ummm ... let's just leave it at I dropped the page because I didn't find that the site really benefited my interests.
Freon... I am right there with you. I do have a linkedin page, but that is about it.Isn't it a touch ironic. Here we are a bunch of technical professionals, and it appears that many of us are not using the latest "techo-toy". Just to show how much I am an engineer with an Amish-like attitude I do not have any of the following:
A myspace page
A face book page
A home wireless network
A "home" website (My internet provider allows me 5 Mb on thier web server)
An iPod (MP3 Player)
A "blue tooth" headset (I plug my cell phone headset in)
Surrond-sound on my TV (I do have the hi-def set)
A TiVo unit
A DVR unit (same as a TiVo?)
Freon, A hopelessluy behind the times P.E.
It's not like I called myself HisBigPEness or anything like that ....rlyflag: Are we going have to call you "Studly Hungwell"??? :appl: :th_rockon:
Isn't it a touch ironic. Here we are a bunch of technical professionals, and it appears that many of us are not using the latest "techo-toy". Just to show how much I am an engineer with an Amish-like attitude I do not have any of the following:
A myspace page (YES, but its not really "active")
A face book page NO
A home wireless network YES
A "home" website (My internet provider allows me 5 Mb on thier web server) NO just eb.com
An iPod (MP3 Player) NO
A "blue tooth" headset (I plug my cell phone headset in) HELL NO
Surrond-sound on my TV (I do have the hi-def set) NO
A TiVo unit NO
A DVR unit (same as a TiVo?) NO
Freon, A hopelessluy behind the times P.E.
I don't have any of these...unless you count my sansa mp3 player equivalent to the Ipod. We are still on dial-up and do not have cable, dish, or whatever the latest trend is. What we can get with the bunny ears is all we get and both of our tvs are at least 10 yrs old.Isn't it a touch ironic. Here we are a bunch of technical professionals, and it appears that many of us are not using the latest "techo-toy". Just to show how much I am an engineer with an Amish-like attitude I do not have any of the following:
A myspace page
A face book page
A home wireless network
A "home" website (My internet provider allows me 5 Mb on thier web server)
An iPod (MP3 Player)
A "blue tooth" headset (I plug my cell phone headset in)
Surrond-sound on my TV (I do have the hi-def set)
A TiVo unit
A DVR unit (same as a TiVo?)
Freon, A hopelessluy behind the times P.E.
they "THINK" its a geek site....I feel like an old fart. I don't have any pages for My Space, Face Book, and similar sites. My daughters think it is hiarious that I chat on this board. Of course, they just think it's a geek site. We have wireless in the house. I have a nice little digital camera. My favorite tech toy is my cell phone. It also serves as a camera, watch, alarm clock, calculator, and probably a lot more stuff that I don't use. I even do some texting with my daughters on the cell phone.
What's wrong with LOTR??!! I was just telling my wife that I wanted to replace the angel that goes on top of the Christmas Tree with the Eye of Sauron. IMHO, it would make a much more dramatic topper for the tree.and before you disagree, look at the Lord Of The Rings Vs. Star Wars thread.... actually, you don't need to look at it, just know that its there!
No way!! You are way cool and hip if you are a regular poster at EB.com. So says me :woot:^^OK, I'm a very geeky old fart.