December 8th release date

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Hawaii board meet on the 14th, so for us in the aloha state, it won't be before that

The release date in Maine was last Saturday!!!!   :beerchug:

For Swish IPA at Bissell Brothers. 

I saw the release date from NCEES homepage on the day after PE exam day. But I can't find the link of that page now. I swear that I saw the date from NCEES homepage. It was December 4th. Believe or not. Choice is yours.

I'm betting on 12/11.  Because why not prolong this annoyingly agonizing wait.  It's also the 45 day mark - doesn't the Oct test usually take a bit longer due to holidays?

Whatever the date, I just hope that Georgia's Secretary of State doesn't screw it up as bad as last time.  They added PEs to the online database for like 12 at a time....before giving NCEES the okay to release results.  It wasn't even in alphabetical order.  It was a really horrible way to spend the day (as I was not one added to the list).  The POS..I mean SOS happens to be running for governor. #neverforget

Whatever the date, I just hope that Georgia's Secretary of State doesn't screw it up as bad as last time.  They added PEs to the online database for like 12 at a time....before giving NCEES the okay to release results.  It wasn't even in alphabetical order.  It was a really horrible way to spend the day (as I was not one added to the list).  The POS..I mean SOS happens to be running for governor. #neverforget
That sounds like a terribly inefficient way of doing it! I'm so sorry you guys had to go through that. That would have been torture.  At least I was put out of misery (i.e. saw my failing score) pretty early in the day :\

Unfortunately California is always a week late....but I agree with most of you folks that NCEES will release scores on 12/07...and some of us on the West Coast will have to wait a bit longer...good luck to us all !!

Unfortunately California is always a week late....but I agree with most of you folks that NCEES will release scores on 12/07...and some of us on the West Coast will have to wait a bit longer...good luck to us all !!
False! CA released PE exam results on the first day last cycle. But no one knows whether it was a fluke or not.

12/8 is my B-Day! Hopefully took my last test... CA Seismic. This would be a good day to get the Passed email!

I feel like it would have to be before December 4th.  NCEES registration for April 2018 opens on the 4th.  I don't know about previous years but I know in April results were back long before registration opened up.   

I feel like it would have to be before December 4th.  NCEES registration for April 2018 opens on the 4th.  I don't know about previous years but I know in April results were back long before registration opened up.   
The time for October results to come are usually a week longer than for April results due to Thanksgiving holiday week. 
