We received a fail score of 51 in structural in another thread. Which means the str cut score was probably 52. That’s on the lower side of the 52-56 we were told to expect. This exam was difficult by most admissions.
This feels right, maybe a 52-53. There was a cliffside forming around 49-51 from the reported failures. WRE reported a 54 from a coworker, and I know some people want to dismiss it out-of-hand, but I don't really agree with that approach and I think the 54 should be considered.
With that said, I really want to caution people about focusing on the cut scores. I can understand this as an academic exercise, or an attempt to get a Pyrrhic victory, but it can't mean anything more than that. The cut score doesn't matter; you can see my
thesis here. If anything, knowing the cut score for last session's test could hurt you in the next attempt.
The NCEES diagnostic already shows you your relative strengths and weakness by subject area. You can actually use that information that to help focus your studying for the next attempt.
But, how would knowing this sessions cut score help you? I'm not asking rhetorically, I want to know why you think it will help? The cut score doesn't guide you on what subject to study. Perhaps you could to make the argument it provides guidance on the intensity of the studying for the next attempt? Okay great, except that if you got a 49 and you think that the cut score was only at 51, then you might not put as much effort into studying for the next exam as you should, maybe just a 'few' more hours than the last time. That's the wrong approach!
The cut score changes with every exam in every session. You can't plan for the last war, you have to plan for the next one.
You need to study for the next exam as if the cut score is 80/80, not low 50's. Planning for the low 50s is how you get to repeat this whole dreaded exercise yet another time.
the "you" in the above isn't directed at anyone in particular.