CO - PE Results!!!!

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It's gonna be another weekend. Can you believe it? Snail mail makes it to Kentucky, but we can't get a simple email.


Well by the time we get the results in 5 or 6 months maybe the economy will have turned around and we can all get the fatty raises we deserve.... really DORA is doing us a solid.

I would have bet money that we would have gotten our results this week. What gives? Too bad we cannot get a straight answer from either the state or NCEES. I guess we will just have to hope for next week. Have a great weekend everyone! Especially those of you from other states who have your results and passed.

Alright everyone, today better be the day for Colorado results. It's hard to believe that NCEES started sending out results to direct notify states two weeks ago. This weekend got me wondering what the delay could be and my mind is running wild with far fetched ideas. To top it off, my confidence of having passed is dwindling each day. Come on Colorado!

When we're constantly getting conflicting answers from NCEES and DORA that make it sound like neither of them know what's happening, it's hard to expect anything today (especially since DORA said "maybe" this week).

This is reminding me of an exam in my mechanics of materials class. Results took forever to get back to us. Turns out the instructor accidentally recycled our exams and had to go hunting (unsuccessfully) at the recycling depot for them.

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Yeh Bean, there's definitely confusion. As a direct Notification state, I think we should've gotten them by now. However, NCEES seems confused that they are waiting on state approval prior to releasing results.! They're probably in limbo and we'll wait until the state mails them.

On the bright side, when I took the EIT in 2000ish and we received results in the mail, they came around the 17th. I predict by the end of the week.

I'm outta here. I'll check back tonight. Good luck to us all..

When we're constantly getting conflicting answers from NCEES and DORA that make it sound like neither of them know what's happening, it's hard to expect anything today (especially since DORA said "maybe" this week).
This is reminding me of an exam in my mechanics of materials class. Results took forever to get back to us. Turns out the instructor accidentally recycled our exams and had to go hunting (unsuccessfully) at the recycling depot for them.
So the whole class got A's?

When we're constantly getting conflicting answers from NCEES and DORA that make it sound like neither of them know what's happening, it's hard to expect anything today (especially since DORA said "maybe" this week).
This is reminding me of an exam in my mechanics of materials class. Results took forever to get back to us. Turns out the instructor accidentally recycled our exams and had to go hunting (unsuccessfully) at the recycling depot for them.
So the whole class got A's?
Yep. He offered us some options like retake the test (LOL), or retake just the parts he didn't lose (he had one question checked and recorded), or just take the grade from that one question, or take a make up test. Someone shouted that we should just all get an A, everyone agreed, and that was that. I think I had an A- for the class. There were a bunch of people who probably would've failed that got at least a C as a result of that.

I emailed the state after the board meeting thinking that maybe they could let us know that the board at least approved the results and we could get an answer soon. Got the same canned response that they should be out this week or next week. Throw me a frickin' bone!

This is going from annoying to aggravating. Just found out about a job opening in the mountains that requires proof of licensure just to apply, and it closes on Thursday. Got a friend there who I'm going to talk to but I doubt there's any way around the application requirement.

I hear ya! We have inspection trips that require a PE to go on... I guess I will continue to do more office work as I wait for the results. It is frustrating to both me and my co-workers. I don't think they understand that they are affecting peoples jobs/lives... especially you think they would be a little more thoughtful considering the economy and how many people in the engineering industry are seriously looking for a job and the results could significantly help them.

Quote deleted by SapperPE at Daniel's Request.

Leave the torches and pitchforks at the office

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If you were to go talk to DORA, I would strongly advise being painfully polite and if they say they don't know when they'll have results (maybe this week!) explain that NCEES says they're waiting for CO approval to release results. It's harder to brush off someone with a canned response in person than via email. Remember, extreme politeness and friendliness.

Who knows, an in person visit may be all that's needed to clear up the apparent miscommunication between DORA and NCEES.

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I am not going down there... they will figure it out, I would just get upset and acomplish nothing more than you guys already have.

Has anyone told them there appears to be a mix up?
Check out CDC's post #138. Not very satisfying answer but I think it's all we may get, although in person someone may get farther. I don't imagine they would care if someone went ahead in person to let them know that NCEES says they are waiting on Colorado

I honestly think DORA has the results, they just may not have time or something to go through them... or someone is on vacation. When I contacted both NCEES and DORA I got different answers but my impression was that the wait is on DORA even with the different answers. I talked to someone who took the test April 2009 and they didn't find out until around the 4th of July :( Hope that isn't the case.

Ok I will see if I can take 10 minutes and go talk to them... dont worry I will be nice and polite maybe it will get somewhere.

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