Client Holiday Gift Ideas

Professional Engineer & PE Exam Forum

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i can see them wanting to get their hands on a site like this, but the atmosphere would change and would dissolve quickly i think

so I ended up getting some pre made candy baskets at Costco. (They have some pretty good stuff for the hellidays) and now I submitted my expense report and it gets rejected because I guess buying holiday gifts violated some corporate policy? Even though I was directed to buy them?   Gesus Krist sometimes big corporations are just as bad as the government...
so are you going to take up a collection to get reimbursed?  $10 from everyone

You should sell them the site on the condition that you get to choose all site moderators.  That way, you'd get the money, and we'd retain control.

That's what kind of sucks is they basically want to own the site but pay me a salary to run it for 4 years... not really what I want to do... if I did decide to cash out I would just want to "disappear" and let the new owner deal with people who can't remember their passwords and such every day....
