Trans breakdown
BR ENV- 75%
BR Geo- 63%
BR Str- 75%
BR Trans- 63 %
BR WR- 75%
Tran anal-60 %
Trans Plan- 43 %
Geo/Design- 56%
Geotech- 50%
WR- 75 %
Equals fail
I agree with Tom's analysis for the AM - you made a 28.
I think for the PM, though, you made a 23. Using the NCEES spec and your numbers, you obviously got 3/6 for Geotech and 6/8 for WR. To figure out the other 3, you know that the total number of questions equal 26 (65% of 40), so you made:
Tran anal - either 3/5, 6/10, 9/15 or 12/20 (all are 60%)
Tran Plan - either 3/7, 6/14, or 9/21 (all are 43%)
Geo/Design - either 5/9 or 10/18 (all are 56%)
For geo/design, if you made 10/18 you would only have 8 questions between the other two and there is no combo of 8, so for geo/design you made 5/9.
That means for the other two, you have to have a combo of 17 questions and the only available combo is 6/10 for tran anal and 3/7 for tran plan, so for the afternoon you made:
Tran anal-60 % 6/10
Trans Plan- 43 % 3/7
Geo/Design- 56% 5/9
Geotech- 50% 3/6
WR- 75 % 6/8
for a total of 23 in the PM and a 51 for a total on the entire exam. I think that's the highest we've seen without passing, so the cut score must have been 52. I'm sure you'll get it next time - good luck!