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When you guys don't recieve a letter today, would you mind posting the first letter of your last name? Now that we know that there was that bin that did not get picked up....
I'm in SLC, UT - no letter in the mail today, last name starts with 'G'

I know someone else in SLC that recieved the letter yesterday, last name started with "V"
I think i have officially bought off on the monday letters being the Notice that you are now a P.E. and have passed. I have not seen one person post that they Passed CIVIL and were notified by mail yet. I was only waiting on seismic and felt good leaving the test. Same thing with my buddy, and he lives in modesto and still hasnt recieved letter. We both have different last initials. I have seen alot of posters who are still waiting and most of them were waiting to only pass seismic or surveying(therefore their chance of being a P.E. are higher vs. 3 tests to pass). Is there anyone out there who felt like they bombed or guessed the whole thing but havent recieved the letter?
I hope this is true. I'm in Maryland. Not in today's mail. I felt reasonable but slightly unsure. With the above theory, I'm actually relieved that it didn't come today. I'm hoping it's in the last box which contained the "congratulations - your a CA Civil PE" letter.

Mail arrived but no letter for me. I am in SoCa (Carlsbad). Last name with a G. I secretely felt good not to get the letter...Boy, are we getting crazy? Happy to NOT get the letter? LOL...I wish CA Board can be more professional.

got the letter failed survey again...
where you at? in ca?
New York..

Ok, now I will be carefull opening my mail box today, since I am in NY too.
what you got left survey?
I passed 8 hour on last friday and waiting for the rest of the two.
first attempt?

My last name starts with M and I live in north of Orange County, CA. All I have left is Seismic and I feel a little good after reading your posts - that my letter may be the congratulations! one. Nevertheless, I am tired of this whole experience of waiting. Hope I don't have to do this again. Also I will CHERISH my license once it arrives (someday). Good luck everyone.

One of my friends failed the 8-hr by few points and did not receive any letter for the seismic/survey he lives in Alhambra CA ..Sorry but does not that kind of kill this theory?

One of my friends failed the 8-hr by few points and did not receive any letter for the seismic/survey he lives in Alhambra CA ..Sorry but does not that kind of kill this theory?
No, because he still may have passed Seismic and Surveying.

One of my friends failed the 8-hr by few points and did not receive any letter for the seismic/survey he lives in Alhambra CA ..Sorry but does not that kind of kill this theory?
no becuase one of my freinds has a freind that says your friend is lying...or are you lying and made up this friend that has the magical ability to determine what his score was compared to the cut score?

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Got result in mail today i had appeared for Seismic and Survey. Had passed 8 hour in April 2010. This time passed survey but failed seismic :-( i am really surprised as i thought I definitely nailed seismic but was not sure about survey well will see now in April 2011. :smileyballs:

I passed the 8 hour and seismic without any problem but am having a hard time passing the surveying. I am structural engineering by trade and schooling so i have never taken a surveying course. What did you use for your study material, did you take a review course, and do you have any suggestions or advice for me in april? Thanks.

Go through Reza Mallahati workbook atleast TWICE workout all the problems and take both practice exams...that did it for me if you live in SoCal, he offers one or two day review classes (maybe in other places can google his name and find out about his classes). I studied a four days just doing that prior to exam and had no problems but if you dont have much background then start preparing early first try to undertand the logic and then work on speed which is very crucial for survey exam. I wish you best of luck for the survey exam in April. If you need notes let me know.

One of my friends failed the 8-hr by few points and did not receive any letter for the seismic/survey he lives in Alhambra CA ..Sorry but does not that kind of kill this theory?
You can't know by how many points you failed since no such result is provided in CA. Please don't post BS on this thread. Thank you, you may appologize now.

One of my friends failed the 8-hr by few points and did not receive any letter for the seismic/survey he lives in Alhambra CA ..Sorry but does not that kind of kill this theory?
no becuase one of my freinds has a freind that says your friend is lying
He was under Oath and took a lie detector test before providing the info. Must be your friend's friend who wants to believe he is lying

One of my friends failed the 8-hr by few points and did not receive any letter for the seismic/survey he lives in Alhambra CA ..Sorry but does not that kind of kill this theory?
You can't know by how many points you failed since no such result is provided in CA. Please don't post BS on this thread. Thank you, you may appologize now.
Yes you can you moron. Apply a little math to your diagnostic report and you will find out

One of my friends failed the 8-hr by few points and did not receive any letter for the seismic/survey he lives in Alhambra CA ..Sorry but does not that kind of kill this theory?
No, because he still may have passed Seismic and Surveying.
Ya, monday bundle was people who have now passed both survey and seismic
I actually believe this instead of all other crapy comments posted on my original post. All i am trying to do here is provide information not trying to blow anyone's theory.
