A friend in my area got the letter yesterday, his last name starts with R. Mine starts with G and no letter yet. What if the last bin was the lucky one, as priorities were given to letters with bad news so people can re-register for the test? I am liking my theory so muchAll, I did receive a report this afternoon that one bin of the results letters for PE - Civil did not make the cutoff for mail late Friday afternoon as submitted for post marking.
Those letters went out first thing this morning. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Ric Moore
Examinations Manager
Board for Professional Engineers,
Land Surveyors, and Geologists
Any idea if you send these out by last name? i.e. is there a group of last names, say a-g, that will be waiting. Or is it random?
My last name also starts with a G. I also know some one in my are (SLC, UT) that recieved a letter. They did not show up for the test, so it was basicaly a failing letter. I hope your theory is right, but it might just be the last name "G"