Buy 12 glue stick, 45 crayons, 6 reames of paper

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maybe you could place this label on it.

"Bought for you by a WORKING parent that cares about thier kids education"

Think anyone would be offended?

we managed a little better this year, had stuff left over and staples had some ridiculous discounts if you paid attention through the last couple of weeks of summer (I didnt pay attention- my better half did)

My wife has "banned" me from getting involved in the "list" so I guess my complaining last year had a positive effect :D

We had certain items that were brand specific- we had to buy Crayola crayons (for 40 cents a box at Target) and Fiskars scissors (for $1 at Target) but other things could be generic, which is why when it called for a 24-count of number 2 pencils, I spent $3 on the 72-pack at Office Depot and figured we'd have them for awhile.

Yeah, 22 post-it note pads seems excessive, but if she's sending home notes on them, sure. We also had to supply a box of Ziploc bags. I assume that's for sending home craft projects.

The supply list is standardized across the district. I'm impressed that we haven't received a "Yeah, but I also need..." note. Maybe they aren't allowed to send those.

Today was the start of my son's 2nd week of school. They have a "modified track" schedule where they go 12 weeks on then get 2 weeks off (fall, xmas, & spring breaks). They basically get June & July off for summer.

I'm wondering if they started around here yet? All I know is that my early morning commute has been seeing quite a bit more traffic these past two weeks for some reason.

Mine starts August 23 and he'll be done June 1.
thats what it was when i was in school...unless of course we had snow days then it was a little later.

I think next week is the last week of summer vacation for the kids around here.

One thing I hate about school going back in session is that it means the high school crowds will be back at the lunch places. Teenagers are scary when they travel in packs.

One thing I hate about school going back in session is that it means the high school crowds will be back at the lunch places. Teenagers are scary when they travel in packs.
I don't necessarily find them scary but the groups of kids are definitely a PITA and a major annoyance/distraction. Clerks have to try to wait on customers while looking all aoround to make sure they aren't getting robbed blind or that the place isn't getting trashed.

At least we're not in London, that's just f'd up.

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Teenagers are scary when they travel in packs.
Courtesy of My Chemical Romance:

They said all

Teenagers scare

The living sh!t out of me

They could care less

As long as someone'll bleed

So darken your clothes

Or strike a violent pose

Maybe they'll leave you alone

But not me
