Not here in the Commonwealth parents are held responsible for unsderage drinking even if they're not home and god forbid there's any accident/mishap the legal carp will kill you. When he was senior in HS some parents would let the kids drink in the house, I stood firm that I wouldn't allow it (their friends) until they were 21. We had one incident when we went out for the night and HS son had a party at the house. Everyone was gone when we got home ~midnight and he's passed out, I mean asleep in bed. Then the police knocked on the door. It appears a kid on his hockey team was drunk, drove his car into a tree, and someone told the cops that they were drinking at my house. they asked to talk to my son, so I dragged him out of bed to talk to the police. He swore he saw the other kid that night in a parklng lot but the other kid was not at my house at all. Luckily, no one was hurt and the local police like the HS sports teams so they did not push hard tio keep me or my son involved, but it could've been a nasty and VERY costly situation.I am glad my kids are a little nerdy, but at this point in time if I came home early from work and found him drinking beer I would probably pat him on the back
This is why we free range our kid.we used to go out to afriends house or ride our bikes to the park for the afternoon and not return until dark. Not these days...90% of the kdis activities are organized and the parents never seem to let them out of their sight. It's pretty sad actually.
Oh, they'll know about it and so will you when the neighbors or the cops call you while you're away.silly Yankees!
I don't think I could ever allow other peoples kids to drink at my house, but when I was a kid it was very much allowed at some of my best friends houses. I recall both of their moms would buy us beer so long as we drank it at their house. I enjoyed it, but always thought it was a little weird. But I have to admit that my old friends have much better relationships with their parents than I do mine know.
I will probably let my kids have a beer when they are 18, but not their friends. Ive let them have sips before and generally they do not care for it, also maybe a good thing..
My wife is comfortable leaving them home during the day and to go out but I am trying to nudge her to let us leave them at home for us to take a weekend trip to Vegas, but she isn't thrilled about that idea. (yet) Maybe when they are all 3 in HS. We live in such a high density subdivision a party wouldn't be able to happen without the entire cul de sac knowing about it
We have to keep the other hidden under a cloaking device or the greenies clog them I know your telling a story, there is only one actual lake in your state!
Have you eaten at this one? it kind of sucks cause Fort Collins has some really good breakfeast places to eat and I am missing out![]()
Hey I don't judge on how permissive some parents are with their kids.Nah we just let our kids drive around with a learners permit even when were not in the car??
yes! but only breakfast, their biscuits and gravy is respectable!Have you eaten at this one?