April 2018 Enviro Exam Now 80 Questions!

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My thoughts: The "old" PE exam tested you as a system - your skills plus the completeness of your reference library. I think that was a pretty useful thing, especially considering all the obscure enviro stuff that could come up on the old exam. If you, using your own references, were able to pass the exam, then I think there was pretty good assurance that you could be trusted as a PE in the public realm to be able to deal with most of what might be thrown at you.  Now with this reference manual, I don't know. I can't imagine it would be any more detailed than a simple formula and constants reference, in which case they can't test you at all on the interesting stuff, like what the most likely contaminant would be on the grounds of a widget factory, or the proper procedures in case of a chemical attack using hexamethyldeath.  
This sounds right.  Does anyone know why they begin only allowing their reference manual when the test goes computer-based?  I think this is also what happened when they changed the ChE PE exam to CBT.

If the test isn't changing as far as types of problems, level of difficulty, or level of knowledge needed to pass, it seems pretty unfair to those taking it in the future.  I mean, we were allowed to take in worked problems, practice exams with solutions, etc.  Not saying that's the only reason people have passed, but it can help for sure.
