Thank you!it is the NCEES ID, but not sure the format, since with or without the dash doesn't work for me.Is the Candidate ID Number same as the NCEES ID Number in such format 12345-12345?
At the phone, they did ask for NCEES ID
Thank you!it is the NCEES ID, but not sure the format, since with or without the dash doesn't work for me.Is the Candidate ID Number same as the NCEES ID Number in such format 12345-12345?
At the phone, they did ask for NCEES ID
Same here,worked for me.
pass, I do feel for you. I'm happy my exam was on paper. But, I'd try not to worry too much. Worrying could hurt your performance. Stay confident and remember that everyone else is in the same boat. The CBT may be a little handicap (or maybe not) but it's the same handicap for everyone. I'm only speculating here but let's say the state noticed a, say, 5-10% drop in scores for this administration. I suspect they'd take that in to consideration when determining the cut score (just a guess). Stay confident. Good luck!I guess the test is still 2.5 hours, was hoping it would be 3. What do you guys think? I think we would be losing time between looking at hte computer for questions and then rewriting some of the info on the scratch paper again to do the problem. When i took the test in the past, i just start solving right there in the exam book, and now I am going to have to look at the screen, then look down, look up, look down. or maybe the expectation is that we don't write anything and do it directly in thecalculator.. some people probably do, but i usually write stuff down
. maybe i am over analyzing this, but I wonder if anyone else tthinks we would be wasting more time in logistics than doing problems.
Thanks for posting Ric. And great job on the solution to such a complex problem. You definitely came up with the best possible alternative given the situation. I'm dying to know.... If you are allowed to tell us, could you please explain how the exam is able to be spread out over several days? What would prevent candidate A from taking the exam on day n and then telling candidate B the problems who will then have an unfair advantage on day n+1? Are the problems different for each candidate? If so, how do you determine a universal cut score? Just curious. Thanks.The Candidate Information Bulletin refers to an Artwork pamphlet. The exam will refer to the figures in this pamphlet. This is not the first exam that the Board has issued a state exam in CBT format and we continue to evaluate and adjust after each time. We know that engineers and land surveyors are encouraged in their careers to "sketch out" situations and felt that it would be best to provide those situations, where pertinent, in this manner. Also alleviates the candidates from continuously having to scroll back and forth on the screen.
Ric Moore
Yikes. Did you guys not fill out and hand in scantrons that day? Why did the board contact her and not you? Did she write her letter yet? I hope everything goes well.So here's a crazy story for you guys. One of my friends got a phone call yesterday from the board. They told her she cant take the exam unless she had proof that she was there!!! And she asked them how to you want me to prove it and the person on the phone said I don't know, why don't you just email us details of what happened that day! Now she's panicking thinking her email may not be in enough detail. Besides its been about 2 months so how much can someone remember? It's sad cause I was there with her, and know she was there. And she's been studying for the past 6 weeks....AGAIN.
I honestly would not know what to do if they told me I had to prove I was there to take the exam!
BTW she is already signed up for an appointment for the week of the exam.
MNT, where are you coming up with this increase? Please state your source. It's my understanding that instead of $275 for one or all three exams, it will be $110 for each of the 3 exams. If one were taking all three at once then, yes, there is a 20% increase (not 200%) but there can be huge savings for someone only taking one or two of the exams (very common). When I was down to just the Seismic, I wish I could have paid $110 instead of $275.Wow. Sorry to hear that. That is terrible.
Another thing for your friend is that she will have to pay WAY more for the exams now. They raised the fees. More than 200%. Talk about a slap in the face after the cancellation etc. How do they get away with this stuff? A ton of people just got screwed over for the surveying exam being cancelled and lost a lot of money - and now this? No one can afford that in this economy. We should all leave CA. How do they sleep at night?