Algebra Problem....

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Only if you add a horseshoe and multiply it with two cowboy boots.

Right, an ace & jack could be 21 or it could be 11.  There are times (very rare) in tournament play that you might want to hit (actually double down) on a 21, depending on what your opponents are doing. So it can pay not to narrow your frame of reference to the point that 21 is always the best you can do.  Similarly I wouldn't narrow my frame of reference here to assume the symbol of one boot = 1/2 of the symbol for two boots, without any other definitive knowledge. 

In any case, it's been a while since we've had a good argument around here. Back in the day we'd have arguments that went on for pages and pages, but that settled down quite a bit when benbo drifted away.  So ptato, I applaud you for livening things up here!

Ok, I will stop beating this dead "horse" (yes, pun intended), after my closing comment:  Some of you guys used terms such as "in the real world", "if this was a real world problem", "what's presented is limited", "what if this isn't base 10?", "this question is open ended", etc.  All I have to say is I think you guys are way overthinking this simple (if tricky), fun, brain teaser, riddle/problem, meant solely for entertainment purposes.  Given the context that this is a fun internet riddle, I think it is more than fair to say the correct answer is 21.   

As for mud's comment above..... if you guys want more, just say the word.  :) I can produce some (seemingly simple) math problems that will have us going back and forth for double-digit pages on what the answer "should be"!   ;)   Like the Monty Hall Goat problem, anyone?  The answer to that classic problem has very intelligent people adamantly defending "their" answer, to this day.  :)     

^ but that is what engineers do best!  That's exactly why i hate things like that.  just like T/F when it really should be sometimes, always, or never
LOL, indeed. And pretty much why none of my non-engineer friends on FB event attempt at engaging in arguments. LOL

Ok, I will stop beating this dead "horse" (yes, pun intended), after my closing comment:  Some of you guys used terms such as "in the real world", "if this was a real world problem", "what's presented is limited", "what if this isn't base 10?", "this question is open ended", etc.  All I have to say is I think you guys are way overthinking this simple (if tricky), fun, brain teaser, riddle/problem, meant solely for entertainment purposes.  Given the context that this is a fun internet riddle, I think it is more than fair to say the correct answer is 21.   

As for mud's comment above..... if you guys want more, just say the word.  :) I can produce some (seemingly simple) math problems that will have us going back and forth for double-digit pages on what the answer "should be"!   ;)   Like the Monty Hall Goat problem, anyone?  The answer to that classic problem has very intelligent people adamantly defending "their" answer, to this day.  :)

Yup, that's it. 

You are a contestant on a game show.  The host, Monty Hall, asks you to pick a door (of three), one of which has a shiny new car behind it and the other two doors have goats.  You randomly pick, let's say you pick door #2.  Monty now tells you "There is a goat behind door #3, do you want to change your answer?".  The first thought that might come to mind is Monte just increased your chances from 33.3% to 50% and whether you switch doors or not, you now have a 50% chance of getting the car.  The truth is, if you stay with your door #2, you have a 33.3% chance of getting the car, and if you switch to door #1, you increase your odds to 66.7%. 

All I have to say is I think you guys are way overthinking this simple (if tricky), fun, brain teaser, riddle/problem, meant solely for entertainment purposes.  Given the context that this is a fun internet riddle, I think it is more than fair to say the correct answer is 21.   

If you want to dumb it down to a Facebook meme, then I agree with your that 21 is a reasonable answer.  But this ain't facebook, it's an engineering forum. :D

@knight1fox3 I need this emoji added to the library for when we start arguing. 


Did someone say that want to argue???

I'm game, it's been a ****** week and a bitch-slapping is in order.
