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Not really fun... the feds are coming next week to basically decide whether or not to take over from us in enforcement.
This happens with different stuff in MS too. But you knew all that.

Have you been following the news about Jackson's water problems?

No - what is happening? (might as well procrastinate - 30 minutes until meeting now)

Hey there, klk! I'm just passing through, but I might bounce back and forth with ya a little.

I had waffles, per the munchkin's desire. How's the enviro world up in the NW? It is D-E-D dead here in western CO.

well, all I know about is the water/WW world, and we've got tons of work. Our clients are having a hard time coming up with the money, but are raising rates when needed because you gotta provide the water when needed and treat the WW to the req'd limits.

that's too bad its slow in your neck of the woods. Any signs its picking up?

I got a large asbestos proposal out today, but not really. Luckily, I dabble in geotech as well, but we're hurtin' in that area too.

yeah, its good to be versatile that way. Of course, when everything is slow, I guess it doesn't help that much.

I don't know if you were hit by the housing crash as much as other areas, but ours didn't seem to be too bad, although we have had horrible unemployment rates.

Nothings selling, b/c no one is willing to drop there asking price. But I'm not interested in selling, so it doesn't meatter all that much to me. I'm still right side up on my mortgage, which is saying something.

Same here, although we're considering moving within the next 6 months or so. We bought our house over 5 yrs ago before the prices became too unreasonable so we'll still sell for more than we paid.

About all you can ask for. Well, I'm out. Lack of sleep is starting to catch up with me. Buenos noches.

goodnight! Its taking me forever to get the board pages to load, so I'm out too.

It takes me about 20 to drive to work, so I'm usually up by 6 and on the road by 6:30 at the latest. Unless I'm going to the gym, then I'm up at 5. Haven't been able to do that yet since coming back from vacay.

I can't stand working out in the morning. I'll do it if I have something to do that evening, but most of the time I work out after work.

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