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Apparently MIAF's daughter puked all over herself last night and continued to sleep in it. She informed mommy this morning (thankfully after I left work work) that there was mouth poop all over. Lovely.
love the " mouth poop"!

Apparently MIAF's daughter puked all over herself last night and continued to sleep in it. She informed mommy this morning (thankfully after I left work work) that there was mouth poop all over. Lovely.

Aaahhhh, the joys of fatherhood.

Good thing I'll never know those "joys."

All it takes is for one of your little guys to slip past her goalie. And she may decide to take her goalie out of the game without telling you.

The only sure fire way that I know of involves scissors.

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Apparently MIAF's daughter puked all over herself last night and continued to sleep in it. She informed mommy this morning (thankfully after I left work work) that there was mouth poop all over. Lovely.

Aaahhhh, the joys of fatherhood.

Good thing I'll never know those "joys."

All it takes is for one of your little guys to slip past her goalie. And she may decide to take her goalie out of the game without telling you.

The only sure fire way that I know of involves scissors.

I start back at work Tuesday...part-time though
And...how do you feel about that?
best of both worlds. It will be nice to get back to work to use the brain and be around other grownups and still be able to spend time with minisnick. I think daycare will be good for minisnick too, introduce him to kids around his age.

i can technically work parttime for 9 months, but we had a couple retirements in dec so workload shifting might require me going back to full time sooner.

just looking at Ashley's cold pic again...i would love to discuss with her her 'viewpoint', maybe over a rack of ribs & chicken caesar salad

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