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Seven hours in an airport with a baby ?!?! I do not envy you.

Yea, not the best situation, believe me. I am going to try to walk into the hotel that's in the middle of MIA and see if they'll bargain on a room price for the night since we'll only be in the room for a few hours. We'll see how that works out.

There should be a law against people like ble taking mini ble on airplanes. Air travel should be restricted to well behaved adults. Everyone else should stay their ass at home.
I know, right? They'll probably arrest me at the gate or I'll get my ass kicked on the flight by the fat guy that forgot his deodorant and snores like an elephant!

There should be a law against people like ble taking mini ble on airplanes. Air travel should be restricted to well behaved adults. Everyone else should stay their ass at home.
I know, right? They'll probably arrest me at the gate or I'll get my ass kicked on the flight by the fat guy that forgot his deodorant and snores like an elephant!
what if a screaming baby & a fat guy achieved the speed of light in a vacuum just as the hadron super collider superconducting magnets go supernova...on Dec 21, 2012?

There should be a law against people like ble taking mini ble on airplanes. Air travel should be restricted to well behaved adults. Everyone else should stay their ass at home.
I know, right? They'll probably arrest me at the gate or I'll get my ass kicked on the flight by the fat guy that forgot his deodorant and snores like an elephant!
what if a screaming baby & a fat guy achieved the speed of light in a vacuum just as the hadron super collider superconducting magnets go supernova...on Dec 21, 2012?
Earth asplodes!!

the correct answer is the airlines lose your luggage

you got the knack dude!

oh, and also, cubs win the Series, Lions win the superbowl

I like the sound of babies crying. it is the sound of life, of the new generation. Of Hope.

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