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Maybe cookies tomorrow. I think I'll finish the pecans and candies today. I'm thinking of making ginger bread people tomorrow.

My wife does roasted nuts every year. Almonds, to be specific. She also made giner bread on Sunday. I am a happy man right now.

Cooking is therapy for me. I really like decorating the ginger bread peeps

Cooking is therapy for me. I really like decorating the ginger bread peeps
I like torturing them, a la Rutger Hauer in The Hitcher.

Gingerbread man: What happened to my buddy.

Me: I ate him.

GM: What? Y-y-you ate him?

Me: Yep. I bit off his arms, and his legs, and his head. And I'm going to do the same thing to you.


My wife says I have issues.

I eat the heads off of animal crackers before I eat the rest. It just doesn't seem right eating the whole animal in one bite.

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