April 2019 SE Results Thread

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Thank you for being honest. One concerning thing I noticed with your objections is they are skeptical toward the ancillary elements of Christianity but don't touch on the lynchpin of it all, the resurrection of Jesus. If Jesus did rise from the dead then he is who he said he was and Christianity is true, if he did not then skepticism toward the rest isn't necessary because it would be false. I don't know what your personal "burden of proof" is but for me if it's more probable than not then I'd say it's perfectly rational to hold the belief.

TBH I think agnostic/atheists who say this are either uninformed of the strength of the case of the existence of God and the evidence for Christs resurrection or they are bias against it. I won't bother listing any now unless you want to talk further on this but there are several strong philosophical and evidential reasons to believe in the existence of God and the resurrection of Jesus. IMO it is pretty naive to think all Christians on the planet haven't fact checked and thought critically about their beliefs. Not trying to offend or argue, just my thoughts on this.

Speaking on the grading of the exam

Also a coworker of mine took the SEOI course and said that two people grade the afternoon with a rubric and if the scores are different then a third gets involved. Once that is done they run a statistical analysis and correct for "bad questions".
Duke, well said my man, I second everything said above. "Blessed are you  that believes without seeing". I questioned it too, trust me, once I humbled myself and accepted it that I will accept that it is true, then things started to change. Sure it is much easier to go through life being hard headed and ignoring the Love of the Lord and his blessing in your life, but believing and walking with Jesus is an amazing journey that I personally enjoy every single day. 

I rest my case!! back to the exam results, where are they? you guys think today? 

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jesus ******* christ. i'd pray to whatever god y'all want me to if it meant i'd get the SE results today so i dont have to read any more religion talk in a thread about the SE Exam.

im guessing 5pm EST is the cutoff for results so if we dont get them within the next half hour today is probably not gonna happen

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Thank you for being honest. One concerning thing I noticed with your objections is they are skeptical toward the ancillary elements of Christianity but don't touch on the lynchpin of it...
Concerning any future arguments, just as the biblical God hardened the heart of the Pharaoh in Exodus, apparently he has hardened mine in confounded disbelief. The pharaoh is again a situation where the biblical God directly intervened in free will, but this time he killed innocent children because well, he's God and he can. <-- This situation runs rampant in Genesis, it's almost like a perfect God couldn't get his creation right. Perhaps, if the absent father had spent positive time with his children, drowning them all for disobedience/blood mixing (spawning nephalim) wouldn't have been necessary. For a loving and all powerful, all present, and all knowing God, it seems strange that he would handle things in such a manner. Much less send someone to hell for eternity for simply not knowing he existed. This situation makes me feel really bad for the Sentinelese people off the coast of India as they're all going to hell and don't even know a hell exists. Plenty of other savages were never exposed to Jesus, despite his saying " I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Imagine waking up after you die and just thinking "****, now I'm on fire, FOREVER, and who's this Jesus guy who is so upset with me because I didn't know his name?" All this as pitchfork carrying demons stab you in the butt with said pitchfork and cackle with raucous laughter. This depiction of hell comes from Dante's Inferno by the way. There is actually precious little mention of hell in the Bible. The Jewish religion, from which modern Christianity sprang, doesn't possess a true hell like Christianity as Sheol was more just underworld where everyone went presumably to party and reminisce about the silly things they had done while alive). The other roots of Christianity, Zoroastrianism,  claimed hell was a temporary place meant to burn out the impurities acquired in life, similar to forging the impurities out of iron. I've also had the question about mentally handicapped people that sin and can't understand the concept of Jesus, seems like they get a free pass. Doesn't really seem fair to me.

I take the Bible to be a literal text as it only makes sense that it should be so. Otherwise, individuals of a lesser mental caliber wouldn't stand a chance at its comprehension and would be predestined to make the wrong choices. With that being the case, if there were a perfect God, I don't know why he would need a revision to his Holy book with the New Testament and the Blood Covenant. It's also even stranger to me that the Gospel's directly conflict in several accounts. Admittedly, this wasn't directly apparent to me but upon rereading them after this fact was pointed out, Jesus's burial and resurrection accounts are definitely contradictory and that's merely only the most glaringly obvious to me. I can appreciate the sentiment and I certainly know you mean well. As it is though, I will not respond to further public chat about religion on this board as there is certainly a time and a place (I enjoy the conversation) but where it is bothering others isn't it. If you wish to continue, please PM me but be aware that I love to argue, this isn't the first debate I've had on religion, and while I was impressionable at some point in the past, I am perfectly comfortable not having answers and it will take direct tangible evidence to change my mind. Merely stating personal experiences will not do it as I haven't experienced your life. If personal experience and coincidence works for you, great. The way I see it, if there was an all loving and all knowing God, he would know exactly how to reach me and, just like I would with my children, I would expect him to at least try through a method he knew I would find undeniable. There is my standard of proof, have God speak directly to me (or to the world) in a way that can't be written off as faith or coincidence. Then and only then, I'll believe.

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And on the 70th day NCEES handeth the test results to the Boards of The State and then the Boards of The State handeth the results to examinees. And the examinees who achieved acceptable results were raised to blessed licensure while the examinees who did not were damned to reexamination and all burdens associated with such a fate. 

Maybe NCEES Chat knows if Christianity is true... 
We need to send NCEES the chat history from this thread. Maybe they will have mercy on us and release the results sooner. As far as I know, NCEES is the one true lord of this thread right now and winter is coming for us all....


Happy workday Wednesday to all of you fine folks on the Engineer Boards. Someone mentioned on here earlier that every day the probability of results release increases. I can't find the exact post, but it got me thinking. I haven't heard a probability law state "As time approaches infinity the probability of all probabilistic events occurring equals 1." Take this statement to mean that "everything that can happen will happen," similar to Murphy's law of "Everything that can go wrong will go wrong." The difference is I am claiming both sides, what can go right will go right and what can go wrong will go wrong. The concept may have existed, but like the great thief, Sir Isaac Newton, who stole Hooke's inverse square law to produce the theory of gravitation and stole the credit for inventing calculus from Leibniz, I am going to take this insight, make it my own, and name it after myself. From now own, this shall be known as FutureSE's Law! By the way, for all that didn't know, Newton was a horse's ass. He stole a hell of a lot, it's why his name is on everything. He actually destroyed all paintings known of Robert Hooke over their rivalry too. In addition, one of his most famous quotes "If I've seen further than most, it was because I stood on the shoulder's of giants," was actually a jab at Robert Hooke after Hooke tried to expose Newton as a plagiarist over the inverse square law. Newton made that statement because Hooke was a short guy and Newton was a butthole.

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Happy workday Wednesday to all of you fine folks on the Engineer Boards. Someone mentioned on here earlier that every day the probability of results release increases. I can't find the exact post, but it got me thinking. I haven't heard a probability law state "As time approaches infinity the probability of all probabilistic events occuring equals 1." Take this statement to mean that everything that can happen will happen, similar to Murphy's law of "Everything that can go wrong will go wrong." The difference is I am claiming both sides, what can go right will go right and what can go wrong will go wrong. The concept  may have existed, but like the great thief, Sir Isaac Newton who stole Hooke's inverse square law to produce the theory of gravitation and stole the credit for inventing calculus from Leibniz, I am going to take this insight, make it my own, and name it after myself. From now own, this shall be known as FutureSE's Law! By the way, for all that didn't know, Newton was a horse's ass. He stole a hell of a lot, it's why his name is on everything. He actually destroyed all paintings known of Robert Hooke over their rivalry too. In addition, one of his most famous quotes "If I've seen further than most, it was because I stood on the shoulder's of giants," was actually a jab at Robert Hooke after Hooke tried to expose Newton as a plagiarist over the inverse square law. Newton, made that statement because Hooke was a short guy and Newton was a butthole.
I'm going to put the probability just under 1. Maybe the test results will be destroyed by a solar flare ☀️

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Ashlei seems to getting trained well by Keisha! 

View attachment 13376
Typically we get results 6 weeks after the exam, but NCEES has instructed Ashlei to tell us we've actually gotten results typically 8-10 weeks after exam.

With that said, do we usually get results 2 weeks after exam or is that just Ashlei trying to manage our expectations?  I was expecting Illinois results late this week or early next.

Typically we get results 6 weeks after the exam, but NCEES has instructed Ashlei to tell us we've actually gotten results typically 8-10 weeks after exam.

With that said, do we usually get results 2 weeks after exam or is that just Ashlei trying to manage our expectations?  I was expecting Illinois results late this week or early next.
My bet is on this Friday. It's typically been the week after the exam and sometimes the following Monday after that week, however, the grading typically starts on Saturday and runs through Monday. This time the grading started on a Thursday and ended on a Saturday, which leads me to believe, we should almost certainly receive results Friday.

Typically we get results 6 weeks after the exam, but NCEES has instructed Ashlei to tell us we've actually gotten results typically 8-10 weeks after exam.

With that said, do we usually get results 2 weeks after exam or is that just Ashlei trying to manage our expectations?  I was expecting Illinois results late this week or early next.
what if you sign in as Ashlei-Kesha and conduct a Turing test? Perhaps we can break the system and cause a cascading failure which will allow friendly white hat hackers to release the results early. 

A bit of a tangent here but are any of you that are confident you've passed this time or already have an SE license planning to be a part of SECB? I didn't even know what it was a few days ago and when I read about it I don't really know what the point is, it just seems like another membership fee for little value. I think having "SE" after you're name is already impressive, I'm not sure why SE, SECB would be any better. But I admit I know nothing about the board, so feel free to enlighten me.
