April 2019 Post Exam Wait Period - Welcome to the Suck

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Haha things do need to get designed and I need to quit charging all this "engineering forums" time to my current projects since i couldn't find a project number for them 

At first I thought we'd definitely get it today (because my state has been releasing on day 35 consistently for the past few years besides last year with the new test), but after lurking through all these comments and the reasons why/why not it would be this date or that date, I'm now leaning towards a no for today. Reasons:

  • The past few years, April results have come out in 34-35 days if there's no new kind of test (in our favor)
  • October results typically get released later, lots of people think because of the thanksgiving holiday (still in our favor)
  • This was the first year since observing 34-35 day releases that Easter occurred after we took our exam. I asked NCEES if they get Good Friday off and they said yes (not in our favor)
That's why I don't think we'll get results today!

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We have thunderstorm this week and some got flooded... But still I am waiting on the results come out.

At first I thought we'd definitely get it today (because my state has been releasing on day 35 consistently for the past few years besides last year with the new test), but after lurking through all these comments and the reasons why/why not it would be this date or that date, I'm now leaning towards a no for today. Reasons:

  • The past few years, April results have come out in 34-35 days if there's no new kind of test (in our favor)
  • October results typically get released later, lots of people think because of the thanksgiving holiday (still in our favor)
  • This was the first year since observing 34-35 day releases that Easter occurred after we took our exam. I asked NCEES if they get Easter off and they said yes (not in our favor)
That's why I don't think we'll get results today!
hmmmmm that makes sense too

At first I thought we'd definitely get it today (because my state has been releasing on day 35 consistently for the past few years besides last year with the new test), but after lurking through all these comments and the reasons why/why not it would be this date or that date, I'm now leaning towards a no for today. Reasons:

  • The past few years, April results have come out in 34-35 days if there's no new kind of test (in our favor)
  • October results typically get released later, lots of people think because of the thanksgiving holiday (still in our favor)
  • This was the first year since observing 34-35 day releases that Easter occurred after we took our exam. I asked NCEES if they get Easter off and they said yes (not in our favor)
That's why I don't think we'll get results today!
But Easter falls on a Sunday, and they don't work on weekends. Not seeing how that changes our time frame; unless they get Good Friday off.


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