Maryland Exam Information

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oh man..that sucks! 

When I took mine in 2013, they made a big deal on the pencil writing or marking on your notes/or books. The proctor actually go around and check people note during exam.

I saw a few guys got kicked out and their book taken away

Anything is possible when it comes to an unregulated group that likes to sit on top of the ivory tower dictating peoples future.

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That's too extreme. The rumor is that they'll just invalidate the scores of the fitbit possessor and whoever was sitting next to that person.
That's unacceptable to invalidate the person sitting next to someone. They wouldn't have any ground to stand on if they didn't do anything  wrong. They'd lose all their credibility and basically would show they are making up the rules as they go.

I know if I followed the rules and the person sitting next to me didn't and I had to pay a price for fate chance that I would raise all sorts of hell.

7 minutes ago, rbheadge said: That's too extreme. The rumor is that they'll just invalidate the scores of the fitbit possessor and whoever was sitting next to that person.
That's unacceptable to invalidate the person sitting next to someone. They wouldn't have any ground to stand on if they didn't do anything  wrong. They'd lose all their credibility and basically would show they are making up the rules as they go.I know if I followed the rules and the person sitting next to me didn't and I had to pay a price for fate chance that I would raise all sorts of hell.
Making the rules as they go along? Seems about right at this point in time.

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Was there more than one Maryland testing site?  If not, an entire state would be invalidated.  That will save PCS a bunch of work. 

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Was there more than one Maryland testing site?  If not, an entire state would be invalidated.  That will save PCS a bunch of work. 
MD isn't a big state. To my knowledge we were all at a single site (state fairgrounds).  All 350 of us PE folks, and 7ish SE folks. I'd really rather not sit through that again.

I think so too. I have a feeling the Boards are going to step in - and they should.

I hope the folks who were 7 hours in get their exams scored; however, how many questions did they have left could be an issue. I have a feeling the outcome of this is going to be they are allowed to sit in October at no charge. Although, being 7 hours in, I think they should get a free roll to see if they scored high enough to pass.

I find some of this irony. A big part of engineering is communication...and it certainly appears this didn't occur.

Don't get me wrong, I am a believer in the integrity of the exams; however, it appears in this situation, they are more interested in an "I gotcha." 
My 2 cents

Part of the engineering and the responsibility of an engineer is to follow the guidelines and standards and personal responsibility. Yes suck to be kicked out at the last minutes, You can't assumed they saw it at the beginning of the exam or assuming the proctors knows what is a fitbit. Educated assumption isa  ok but wild assumption will get you in trouble just like you assuming the the ground is clear to dig without any locate

When it comes to NCEES, expect the unexpected. As Ken said, they are unregulated and seating in their power throne at their ivory tower. They can do whatever they want and that is the bottom line 'cause NCEES says so.
