The 2013 Garden Thread

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As in it just popped out of the ground or something edible has appeared?

Our corn has hit the two foot high mark.

Ok. We planted ours in early March. It's been roughly a month and they grow quickly. Now if you want to see something grow (almost literally), plant some Kentucky Wonder pole beans. Over the past week, I've watched ours grow between 4-6 inches per day.

We had frost until early April, so I couldn't plant until last weekend.

Bush beans...nothing yet.

Strawberries are looking good.

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Can't wait to get our garden going up here in PA. Might get some lettuce planted in 2 weeks.

Bush beans going crazy! Lettuce popping up, looks like maybe the cukes and squah are poking their heads up as well as (maybe) cantalopes and pumpinks.

I think the cat may have taken out the bell peppers. He seems to think the raised beds are a great litterbox and he seems to concentrate on the area the peppers were planted in. I may have to buy some plants.

I think the bell peppers are officially DOA as the hot peppers planted elsewhere are showing. I guess it's time to hit the FM and pick up a few plants.

All the snow is gone!! (except for some big piles)

We were able to spend most of our time outside this weekend! The garden is now tilled. It's amazing how your mood can change when you are able to get some fresh air!!

On my second week and third rev. of building my dirt/rock separator trommel machine. We didn't realize how much lava rock was back there until we tilled. Holy cow, I could open up a landscaping buisness with what's back there. 20' by 100' and probably 16" deep is mixed lava and dirt. The area where the garden will be is 12'x14' so at a foot down that's 6.2 cu. yds of sifting to do. Anyways, started sifting the dirt with just a screen and bucket and after an hour, I think I got 5 gal of rock and 5 gal of dirt. The "work smarter" creed settled in and I decided to build a better system. Current rev. is a screened frame attached to an outer frame with cabinet drawer sliders. I bolted a palm sander to the screen box to vibrate the piss out of it, and used bungees to give it some springage. Fired the prototype up last night and it looks like it will work, just need to mount it at about 20 deg. with some legs. Will post a review shortly.

I'll see what I can do. Have a rotor job to do on the outlaws HHR this afternoon. If time allows, I'll rig up the shaker screen and get some pictures.

Rotor job took 45min yesterday, but the phone cam was being a deek. Took the following of the dirt/rock separator Rev. 3 this afternoon:




Hired the chickens for inspection. They approved... they are sought after for their approval skillz.

Essentually what's going on with Rev. 3, is the upper brown screen frame is mounted on cabinet drawer slides to the unfinished pine OD, and held in Z by some bungees. Added recycled legs from previous rev. and cross frame for rigidity. Upper screen is at ~15 deg. and actuation is by the $20 harbor freight palm sander bolted to the brown shaker screen. After this pic I sprayed the unfinished w/ some paint and test drove it for about 30 min..

Worked great, unless there was weed sod or other highly dense top layer. It chews through rock dirt mix tho and makes you sneeze at the amount of dust flying through the air. Overall, I rate this a success since I was out there half the time as before but yielded twice the results in moving dirt. Youtube to follow.

Slick idea with the palm sander. Never would have thought of that myself.

That shaker table is really neat!

Rev 4 needs to have two treadmills taking the rock and dirt away from the work area... If you're shoveling that much dirt you probably won't be needing the treadmilsl!! :)
