Ebola is here, Dallas, Texas

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I think it's fair to say that this is going to happen occasionally.... so I am not feeling particularly surprised, nor terrified.

What will be interesting in this case, will be to know what precautions he was taking and/or being ordered to take, and whether anyone else contracts the virus from him. If procedures have indeed improved, then we shouldn't see another case of infection from him...... right??

In theory that's correct, but there's always that human element to contend with...

Since I've been on my Ebola kick, I've learned some interesting things, many of which have reduced the fear factor for me, personally. One thing that I have read is that there have been previous studies that have shown that there are many people that have the Ebola antibodies in their blood, but have never been sick. This has even been shown in areas that have not had an historic outbreak. So the thinking is that the virus may be a lot less lethal than we think, because there may be many, many people who become infected but show only minor, or no symptoms. This might explain the apparent difference in mortality rates in the US and Africa - we test everyone here who has even a slight fever, and so we see the sub-clinical cases, but in Africa you only get tested if you drag yourself into a clinic in the final stages of the more serious infection, and the sub-clinical cases are not even seen.

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the NY doctor participated in the "Doctors without Borders" program and was treating Ebola patients in Africa. The he returns to one of the most densely populated cities in the US without a quarantine period. Am I the only one thinking that there's something wrong with this scenario. May they should've quarantined him for the 21 days just a precaution in the first place. I realize 3 weeks is a lot of time for a busy doctor but tough sh&t. such is the price of charity. no good deed goes unpunished.

So should I go ahead and go into a 21 day quarantine? I was in NYC earlier this week, rode the 1 and A trains and flew through JFK...

...I'm doomed right?

So should I go ahead and go into a 21 day quarantine? I was in NYC earlier this week, rode the 1 and A trains and flew through JFK...

...I'm doomed right?
I think you can download an Android app to see whether or not you have Ebola. Let us know how it works out. ;)

So should I go ahead and go into a 21 day quarantine? I was in NYC earlier this week, rode the 1 and A trains and flew through JFK...

...I'm doomed right?
could be. Enjoy the paid break.

So governors come and Krispy Kreme put in place mandatory 21 day quarantines for any health care workers or others returning from West Africa. See. Proactive. I like that.

Applaud the effort but won't they just fly to another city that's is too afraid to fulfill their leadership responsibilities?

So governors come and Krispy Kreme put in place mandatory 21 day quarantines for any health care workers or others returning from West Africa. See. Proactive. I like that.
yeah and now the city will be facing civil rights violations from the nurse this rule put in mandatory isolation for 21 days. IL gov just said il was going to do the same thing with mandatory quarantines.

So governors come and Krispy Kreme put in place mandatory 21 day quarantines for any health care workers or others returning from West Africa. See. Proactive. I like that.
yeah and now the city will be facing civil rights violations from the nurse this rule put in mandatory isolation for 21 days. IL gov just said il was going to do the same thing with mandatory quarantines.
Yeah this bothers me. What a snob she is. She should know this is ultimately a good thing and to trust or hope for good judgement of those returning to "self-quarantine" themselves is foolish. Case in point, the NYC dr who is currently infected. He was out and about in public riding the subway, went bowling, having sex with his girlfriend. I know that since the mention of the lawsuit, Gov Cuomo has laxed on his "mandatory" state quarantine but not Commandant Christie. He's likely to show up bed side and call her stupid in person.

This was hilarious

you kind of sound like the idiots making the comments on the page NJ.. she freaking tested negative for the disease and has very specific rights in this country... and the people who are calling her selfish are forgetting that she is forcing the government to set a precedence that could likely impact their lives in the future

we have had several patience treated around our country and has any of the medical staff been locked in their houses?

sorry, but it's her blatant defiance from the very beginning that has really irritated. She, as a health care professional and more importantly, a person who has seen what this disease can do should understand that there has been a panic here in this country over it. I personally do not feel that any of these mandatory quarantines have been politically driven. I think it is a blind attempt to cut off the spread of anything and overall for the greater good. I do feel that she is being selfish because she may not be showing signs NOW, but the incubation period is not over and she could still. She could do have debated this quietly, but she chose to be quite public about it and paint herself as a whiny, crying, oppressed individual.

I think that the politicians don't know what their talking about and they were only trying to quarantine her because of a political agenda. There are easier ways to implement preventative measures that were completely bypassed and the whole thing wouldn't have turned into the circus that it is if the government had followed a more logical pattern of steps. All it's doing is giving the community some sort of false sense of security and creating an image for the politicians that shows they are willing to "do something" when in fact they aren't. Lets not forget to mention it violates amendment 14 to the bill of rights so by trying to implement it, they are actually breaking the law.

Her choice of a bike ride rather than an intimate setting like a movie theater, restaurant etc shows that she really is just leaving the house to make a point and not to truly endanger anyone. But regardless, do you know what the chances of you getting Ebola because someone rode their bike in front of your house is? I can tell you what they are... NONE, because with Ebola, you aren't really infectious until you are SHOW SYMPTOMS.
