College Football Season is just around the corner

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Probie-one, PE
May 8, 2006
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43 days, 11 hours, 30 minutes & 2 seconds until the college football season officially starts (for GT). It seems like it can't get here fast enough. Last year I spent most of my fall studying so I am super excited about this season where I will be able to enjoy the games without feeling guilty that I am not diligently reading and/or tabbing my references or working practice problems.

In anticipation of the upcoming season here are cheerleaders!!!

(I should have gone to UCLA)

Yes, yes. The horrible season between football season and football season is almost at an end.

Hmm...I wonder if the online sports books have managed to find away to get around the anti-online-casino-funding measure that was slipped into the SAFE Ports Act. I was making some pretty good money betting college football until the ass-hats in Washington slipped that one past the goalie.

^^ You coming up to Clemson for the game this year?
I haven't decided yet. It depends on two factors,

1) how our season is going - with the new coach and a new system I can foresee a lot of growing pains, and Clemson is supposed to be good this year (actually that probably means we will end up winning the way the Clemson-GT series always seems to go)

2) how much football the wifey can tolerate with tailgating 6 weekends in a row. From October 4th to November 8th we have a game every single weekend, and the only away game is Clemson. If it were up to me I'd already have the tickets. Football games (especially home games) seem to consume my entire weekend. Six consecutive weekends of not getting anything done around the house may be to much.

and Clemson is supposed to be good this year
I've heard that shit before, we always find a way to blow it. If our brand new O-line comes together we might be OK, but if not, its going to be a long year.

2) how much football the wifey can tolerate with tailgating 6 weekends in a row. From October 4th to November 8th we have a game every single weekend, and the only away game is Clemson. If it were up to me I'd already have the tickets. Football games (especially home games) seem to consume my entire weekend. Six consecutive weekends of not getting anything done around the house may be to much.
I'm almost in the same boat. We have five games in a row from Aug. 30 to Sept. 27. The opener is actually not a home game, its at the Georgia dome against 'Bama, but we're going. Add that to 4 home games in a row in the heat of september, and I'll be way behind on getting anything done. Our schedule really blows this year.

But thats just the way it is. I won't be missing any home games (I hope) this year.

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The opener is actually not a home game, its at the Georgia dome against 'Bama, but we're going.
Our home opener was supposed to be on the 30th also, but in order to ease congestion in Downtown Atlanta due to your game the city prompted GT to move our game to Thursday night. I guess I shouldn't complain, it means our season officially gets underway two days earlier, but you got to love it when the hometown* team is asked to reschedule their game for a couple of out of town schools.

*while Georgia Tech is the only D-I school in Atlanta, you'd never believe we are the hometown team. The leghumpers which reside in a city to our east are generally considered by most (who don't know any better) to be the hometown team.

Our home opener was supposed to be on the 30th also, but in order to ease congestion in Downtown Atlanta due to your game the city prompted GT to move our game to Thursday night. I guess I shouldn't complain, it means our season officially gets underway two days earlier, but you got to love it when the hometown* team is asked to reschedule their game for a couple of out of town schools.
Money talks. In all honesty, the Bama-Clemson game will probably have more of an economic impact to the city than the GT-(creampuff) opener.

I worked a lot of practice problems. I made up a schedule where I made myself study for at least 15 hours a week. That usually consisted of 2 hours a day Mon-Fri and 7+ on Sunday (I took the October exam so my Saturdays were 'free for football games'). Breaking up my study time week by week made it seem a bit more manageable, rather then just saying I have to study X hours before the exam. Finding a quiet place away from distractions is imperative. I set up a desk in my basement. There was nothing down there to distract me, so when I went down there to study I could focus on the task at hand.
It was not a lot of fun, but it paid off and I passed. :)
Who said this??

Just to chime in from Big 10 country - it will be interesting to see whatever changes come out of Michigan's Big House this season, w/ ricky rodriguez & the tauted wonders of the spread offense. wouldn't be a bit surprised to see Rodriguez pull a Charlie Weiss-ish season out of his (ex) W. Virginia hat -

Guess i gotta pull for the Sparties this fall (anybody but OSU!!)

Just to chime in from Big 10 country - it will be interesting to see whatever changes come out of Michigan's Big House this season, w/ ricky rodriguez & the tauted wonders of the spread offense. wouldn't be a bit surprised to see Rodriguez pull a Charlie Weiss-ish season out of his (ex) W. Virginia hat -
Guess i gotta pull for the Sparties this fall (anybody but OSU!!)
We get the BIg 10 network with our cablke package...I can hopefully get some Illini games in this year without having to travel.

snickerd - you going to Stl to see the 1st game of the season? We considered it, but with new baby and all, probably will miss that one. I hope Zook keeps that team playing well, just not good against us (Mizzou) and not good enough to steal away all the Stl recruits!!! :D

snickerd - you going to Stl to see the 1st game of the season? We considered it, but with new baby and all, probably will miss that one. I hope Zook keeps that team playing well, just not good against us (Mizzou) and not good enough to steal away all the Stl recruits!!! :D
we haven't looked into it yet, but we might.

:woot: The football drought is almost over! Already got our season tickets and Civil War is at home this year. Can't wait for tailgating, shot skis, beer bongs, and lots of orange and black! GO BEAVS!! I never have high expectations for my team, so watching the game is optional, drinking is not! We even got hotel rooms in the great city of Corvallis so we can party it up with the college kids and pretend we're young again.

I feel for all you football fans studying for the October exam. I told myself I would never again take the exam in October if I didn't pass the first time.

My new lady friend is an ADAMANT GA Bulldawgs fan. Should be an interesting football season ... :wacko:


:woot: The football drought is almost over! Already got our season tickets and Civil War is at home this year. Can't wait for tailgating, shot skis, beer bongs, and lots of orange and black! GO BEAVS!! I never have high expectations for my team, so watching the game is optional, drinking is not! We even got hotel rooms in the great city of Corvallis so we can party it up with the college kids and pretend we're young again.
I feel for all you football fans studying for the October exam. I told myself I would never again take the exam in October if I didn't pass the first time.
God bless football lovin' females! :respect: :bowdown:

And thank God I'm married to one of 'em! A longhorns fan, and a Texans fan (NOT the Cowboys) - Studying for the FE is pain enuff in the summer. .. .i hadn't thought about the ramifications of football season :brickwall:

My new lady friend is an ADAMANT GA Bulldawgs fan. Should be an interesting football season ... :wacko:
Is this like a community outreach program where you befriend a mentally challenged person?
