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SapperPE said:
NCCarguy, you seem to be having the same problem I am having. All I see for alot of avatars is a big white box. It has to do with what your websense allows in terms of the photo hosting site that the avatar is stored on.
Fraz: I see all white "snow" too.
if you save the picture to your computer and resize it to the av spec and load it directly, you should bypass the URL problems.


right click on the av as it is displayed on eb,

choose: save picture as

save it to desktop so you don't lose it

then do the my controls thing and upload from puter

that saves the re-size step! :bananalama:

^^^^^^^^ DING DING DING WINNER!!!!!!!!

We appreciate that you would go thru the trouble of helping us to better load our avatars.

We commend you.

We got some women with big hair here too - it ain't pretty.

Teased up and spiky in the front with a nice long mullet in the back. It screams I'm a crackhead with 4 illegitimate kids.
