Yep, this sh*t again

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Grad school predicament...guess it's time for me to get back to work and log off here.

Actually, there's no way to remove that. I've tried.
1. Thanks for trying.

2. Dammit Fox get into the code and comment that out temporarily.
Where there's a will there's a way. It can be done but tis an IP.Board administrative function. ;)
sounds to me like the Jedi's powers are limited...

Grad school predicament...guess it's time for me to get back to work and log off here.
Well I didn't anticipate taking any summer courses this year but somehow ended up taking TWO. Months before this I committed to going on a week long canoe trip near the Canadian border. Which is right smack in the middle of said courses. I don't know that I can take a full week of no work whatsoever on either of these courses. Trying to figure out what my options are but both courses are already accelerated. Which means I'm doing twice the work in both. I'm not seeing a way out of this without cancelling. And LadyFox was my canoe partner :(

EDIT: Inadvertent ninja ToP :bananalama:

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Grad school predicament...guess it's time for me to get back to work and log off here.
Well I didn't anticipate taking any summer courses this year but somehow ended up taking TWO. Months before this I committed to going on a week long canoe trip near the Canadian border. Which is right smack in the middle of said courses. I don't know that I can take a full week of no work whatsoever on either of these courses. Trying to figure out what my options are but both courses are already accelerated. Which means I'm doing twice the work in both. I'm not seeing a way out of this without cancelling. And LadyFox was my canoe partner :(

EDIT: Inadvertent ninja ToP :bananalama:
problem solved:


Grad school predicament...guess it's time for me to get back to work and log off here.
Well I didn't anticipate taking any summer courses this year but somehow ended up taking TWO. Months before this I committed to going on a week long canoe trip near the Canadian border. Which is right smack in the middle of said courses. I don't know that I can take a full week of no work whatsoever on either of these courses. Trying to figure out what my options are but both courses are already accelerated. Which means I'm doing twice the work in both. I'm not seeing a way out of this without cancelling. And LadyFox was my canoe partner :(

First step should be talking to the Professors of both classes and see if they are willing to be more flexible with any assignments/exams that would be due during this time. Generally (at least the Profs I dealt with), Grad school Profs are more likely to be flexible than undergrad because they recognize that many students are adults working full time. You may want to mention this trip was planned long in advance and really can't be easily canceled etc.

You should also look at the syllabus and see what work is assigned for that week. You might be able to take your computer/school work with you and get some of it done while you're on vacation. Stinks, I know, but I was literally doing homework in the hospital room while my wife was waiting to deliver my son.

The last option (least attractive) is to drop the courses while you're still eligible for full refund.

Those are the options off the top of my head. You probably thought of them already of course.

Thanks for the suggestions, it helps to get outside perspective on things I've thought of or think I've thought of. I'll probably try drafting a message this weekend to them both to see what happens. You don't know until you try, right? Worst case response: "tough". :dunno: The positive to this is that neither of these are "hard core" like I'm used to with some of the more core/specialized EE courses. Hence why they're offered in the summer.

I already suggested bringing some hardware along for the trip. But this is "off the grid" portaging and paddling. Not an ideal location for electronics. But as a semi-techy guru, I know I could make it work. Although everyone in the group has shunned the idea.

Ha, I was also working on my final project in the delivery room (Dec. 2nd). The nurses would always ask me what I was doing so intently. LOL

As for dropping, I'd drop the trip before I drop these courses. Which is probably selfish of me, but my eye is on the "prize". Which is getting that degree next spring as opposed to waiting another full year for it.

I took some of my kids Vyvanse medicine today holy fuck I have been productive as hell

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