Yep, this sh*t again

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Good god, can it take any longer to grade a fucking 40 question multiple choice exam that only 13 people took? I hate the CT licensing board.
I hope there wasn't an issue with the grading center. Would suck if all the data was lost.

Good god, can it take any longer to grade a fucking 40 question multiple choice exam that only 13 people took? I hate the CT licensing board.

My results are in!!! I passed!

Wait, that doesn't work too well for a veteran member, does it?

Good god, can it take any longer to grade a fucking 40 question multiple choice exam that only 13 people took? I hate the CT licensing board.

My results are in!!! I passed!

Wait, that doesn't work too well for a veteran member, does it?

Damn you!!!! I wanted to fall for it, I so wanted to get my hopes up, but damn you and your poorly executed fake results post, it just didn't do it for me. Ugh, such a waste of my time. Remember, the more sophisticated and realistic the more my heart will thump when I truly fall of it. That was just a bad joke for you to play on me, man, I don't get it, what did I ever do to you? I bet Connecticut will wait an extra week now until somebody does it right.

They might just be waiting until we hit 10k on here. Better remove that "post was posted too quickly" error message so we can get to work.

Good god, can it take any longer to grade a fucking 40 question multiple choice exam that only 13 people took? I hate the CT licensing board.

My results are in!!! I passed!

Wait, that doesn't work too well for a veteran member, does it?

Damn you!!!! I wanted to fall for it, I so wanted to get my hopes up, but damn you and your poorly executed fake results post, it just didn't do it for me. Ugh, such a waste of my time. Remember, the more sophisticated and realistic the more my heart will thump when I truly fall of it. That was just a bad joke for you to play on me, man, I don't get it, what did I ever do to you? I bet Connecticut will wait an extra week now until somebody does it right.

Sorry, all in good fun mate!

1. Thanks for trying.

2. Dammit Fox get into the code and comment that out temporarily.

yeah, we shouldn't have Sap trying to fix/remove actions on the board. He's already created a black hole and deleted himself once. He could delete the whole damn thing the next thyme

yeah, we shouldn't have Sap trying to fix/remove actions on the board. He's already created a black hole and deleted himself once. He could delete the whole damn thing the next time

That's actually kinda impressive.

The NCEES punk was last year waiting for April PS exam results. I noticed that if I took a specific number from my PE exam results notification and combined it with another number from my PS exam information in NCEES' website that it would generate a score notification PDF. It didn't give away any details, but I thought it was kind of cool to get a notification memo from NCEES prior to results being released and I shared how I had done it on the board. Mr. Tim Miller didn't find it funny. We communicated via email and they recognized that I didn't do it maliciously but it was kind of a dumb move on my part. I apologized and removed the post, and they didn't take any action against me, but it was a stressful couple of days waiting to see how NCEES was going to address it.

The deleting of my account and a good several thousand posts was a time in my life when I was trying to reduce my online footprint. I didn't mean to delete a bunch of threads, but I guess I clicked the wrong button. I did want to be deleted from the board, and Road Guy obliged. But the deleting of all the threads was a mistake. The deeper issue there was that I was suffering from PTSD pretty significantly and had been considering suicide which is why I was systematically deleting my online presence. It was sort of a precursor to the next step, deleting my physical presence. I recognized what I was doing, and I got help. It's in my past, and we joke about it here from time to time.

Wow. Tough times. Glad you made it through and thanks for sharing. It's good having you around (warning points aside).

That NCEES issue is pretty funny though. I can see why they wouldn't find it nearly as hilarious as EB does but a funny loop hole nevertheless.

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